Technical Name CRUSH: Cognitive Robotic with Understanding in Social and Human-interaction
Project Operator National Taiwan University
Project Host 傅立成
With technological advancements, social robots are becoming daily companions and caretakers. This research aims to develop a social robot system with autonomous cognitive and behavioral abilities, including spatial, social and memory cognition, enabling natural human-robot interactions. Outcomes include AI robots that understand environments and provide services, an empathetic social cognition module, and memory assistance features developed in collaboration with enterprises.
Scientific Breakthrough
We developed the first AI social robot capable of spatial cognition with technologies such as knowledge graphs and visual-language models. It can navigate users to target scenes and answer environmental queries. Also, the system integrates multimodal emotion recognition, empathetic dialogue, and depression detection, enabling the robot to respond to user emotions. Combining episodic memory and generative AI, it provides object search and memory assistance.
Industrial Applicability
"Hotel and Tourism: Offer personalized services to enhance customer experience.
 Healthcare and Elderly Care: Provide emotional support, assess depression risks, and improve patient care.
 Education: Assist students with relevant answers and guidance.
 Social Entertainment: Enable engaging and interactive experiences.
 Future development can streamline operations, reduce costs, improve efficiency, attract customers, and drive growth, bringing significant economic benefits."
Keyword Social Robot Cognitive Robot Cognitive Science Mobile Robot Multimodality Learning Deep Learning System Integration Generative AI Visual-language Model Commonsense Reasoning
  • Contact
  • Chang, Fu-Hao