Technical Name A Pioneer Novel Weakly-supervised Multi-instance Learning Framework for Genetic Expression Recognition and Survival Prediction in Digital Pathology Images
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 蔣榮先
A million-pixel image might only have one annotation from a professional pathologist, posing a significant challenge for all AI models. Our team has designed the world's first weakly supervised multiple instance AI learning framework. This framework can analyze million-pixel pathology slides to predict gene expression and prognosis in colorectal cancer patients. Additionally, it has been successfully validated across patient datasets from multiple generational cohorts.
Scientific Breakthrough
Our AI system has successfully predicted the overall survival of colorectal cancer patients and identified clear correlations with pathological slide examinations. We also published our study in the top journal of Nature Communications. With this advanced digital pathology prediction system, physicians no longer rely on guessing patient survival rates but can instead rely on AI systems to clearly explain the relationship between patient prognosis and pathological slides.
Industrial Applicability
In the study, we have successfully addressed the challenges of processing megapixel images and insufficient expert annotations. This enables digital pathology, after training with deep learning models, to assist physicians to make more precise clinical decisions. Additionally, we have validated recognition of specific gene expression features and patient prognosis prediction tasks from pathological images.
Keyword Smart Medicine Digital Pathology Artificial Intelligence Weakly Supervised Learning Gene Expression Survival Analysis
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