Technical Name Capture and recovery of carbon dioxide in flue gas by using fluidized bed homogeneous crystallization technology
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host 盧明俊
The carbon dioxide in the flue gas is first captured and then introduced into the unique global fluidized-bed homogeneous crystallization tank to synthesize the calcium carbonate crystalline particles with a purity of more than 99.5 % and can be recycled as additives in various processes, such as: papermaking rubber, plastics, coatings and other industrial uses. The technology efficiency with a cross-sectional area loading of 960 kg CO2/m2/day is much higher than other technologies.
Scientific Breakthrough
The breakthrough points of the technology are: 1. It can save space and reduce large amount of sludge. 2. It has no additional pollution and is extremely friendly to the environment because of not increasing carbon emissions; 3. The obtained product is high-quality calcium carbonate, which can be recycled and reuse; 4. This technology can use recycled calcium from the brine containing high calcium and magnesium after seawater desalination, fly ash and basic-oxygen-furnace slag.
Industrial Applicability
This crystallization technology has been successfully applied in the factories to recover iron phosphate crystals and to remove hardness from water. This fluidized bed homogeneous crystallization technology has indeed been gradually scaled up from laboratory to full scales. It is currently waiting for the government to work out the details of carbon trading rights. Once the regulations are passed, the technology can be used by industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Keyword global warming green house effect net zero emssion fluidized bed homogeneous crystallization carbon dioxide flue gas calcium carbonate carbon neutral carbon price
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