Technical Name Developing Food
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host 謝昌衛
Summary This technology used special process to enhance the functional ingredients, accelerate the processenhance the safety of black garlic. The bioactive test had confirmed the effect of improving gastrointestinal functionhepatoprotective effect. In the future, it is expected that this technologies will be applied to related industries.
Market Potential Analysis 目前黑蒜在國內市場持續增加,一般消費者對天然保健食品的需求也持續增加,黑蒜生技於 2003 年日本研發而成,當年立刻被韓國以健康食品方式引進並加以改良,行銷亞洲國家。並且 2008 年芝加哥將黑蒜列為 5 大頂級食物之一,被譽為現代料理的新興主食。在日本全國已有 1 萬 5 千多個網站推廣黑蒜,顯示黑蒜在日本備受喜愛,大蒜製成黑蒜後一顆要價台幣 100 元以上,能夠非常有效的提升大蒜的價值。有別於一般生產的黑蒜,本技術開發生產出的黑蒜具有較高功能性成分、較短製程以及特殊香味,且明確的功效性為產品背書,因此本技術開發之產品是相當具有市場潛力的。
Industrial Applicability This technology used special process of black garlic to enhance the functional ingredients, accelerate the black garlic processenhance the safety of black garlic. It is expected to apply this technology to black garlicrelated product development in the future.
Keyword Black garlic Improving processing Accelerate processing time Hepatoprotective effect Improving bioactivity Improving gastrointestinal function Elevating charcoaltranist Shorten defecation time Healthy food Tea aroma
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