Technical Name Accelerator Accurate Archer
Project Operator National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC)
Project Host 黃永信
The pulsed power system primarily consists of energy storage components, switching elements, and their peripheral components. By utilizing innovative circuit design and adjusting circuit loop impedance, the output current parameters were optimized, leading to the successful development of a short-pulse-width solid-state square wave pulsed power system. 
Scientific Breakthrough
"The following are the technical breakthroughs of the solid-state square wave pulsed power system:
(1)	The rise time improved from 1 microsecond to 0.7 microseconds.
(2)	The operating voltage can be lowered, reducing it from 17 KV to 6 KV. This design achieves a failure rate of less than one in a million.
(3)	Stability between pulses (pulse-to-pulse) improved from 0.1% to 0.02%.
(4)	Flat-top stability improved from ±0.3% to ±0.1%.
(5)	The system size has been reduced by a factor of ten.
Industrial Applicability
"A solid-state pulsed power system combined with metal coils generates high-intensity, short-pulse magnetic field. Pulsed magnetic fields are already employed in industries such as electromagnetic forming, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for depression, and detection of material defects like cracks or voids. Additionally, ongoing research and development focus on areas such as treatment of magnetic materials and food sterilization.

Keyword solid-state pulsed power pulsed magnetic field IGBT low heat load liquid nitrogen cooling electronic packaging test with liquid nitrogen
  • Contact
  • Chyi-Shyan Fann