Technical Name Large-Area, Untethered, Metamorphic, and Omnidirectionally-Stretchable Multiplexing Self-Powered Triboelectric Skins
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host 賴盈至
A large-scale untethered multiplexing triboelectric electronic skin is proposed with combined attributes including self-powered sensing, large stretchability and elasticity, robustness, and an ultra-low misrecognition rate of 0.20%. The proposed device are promising cornerstones of scalable untethered multiplexing self-powered e-skins, which are highly desired in practical applications, including haptics, human-device interfaces, medical care/assistance, and human-like/robotic perception.
Scientific Breakthrough
Large-area stretchable and deformable sensor networks are highly demanded for haptic sensing and robotic applications. We propose a self-powered large-scale untethered multiplexing triboelectric skin with attributes of active sensing, omnidirectional deformability, robustness, and negligible spatial misidentification. This work signifies substantial breakthroughs in the field of haptic sensing, offering a solution for large-area self-powered multiplexing metamorphic sensing arrays.
Industrial Applicability
Large-area stretchable and deformable sensor networks are in high demand for haptic sensing, next-generation electronics, metaverse and robotic applications. The presented scalable and untethered multiplexing self-powered e-skins are highly desired in practical applications, including haptics, metaverse human-device interfaces, medical care/assistance, and human-like/robotic perception.
Keyword Robots Metaverse Human-machine interface Smart clothing IoT energy Flexible electronics Wearable electronics tactile sensors Robotic skins AR,MR
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  • Ying-Chih Lai