Technical Name The Engine for Novel Chemical Engineering Process Development: a Fully Automated Platform for Comprehensive Physical Property Prediction
Project Operator National Taiwan University
Project Host 林祥泰
We have developed the novel TEAM property prediction platform, seamlessly integrating first-principles and statistical mechanics models to provide comprehensive physical property parameters essential for chemical processes. TEAM enables engineers to evaluate complex and challenging systems with reliability. TEAM supports the development of specialty chemicals, innovative carbon capture processes, and low-carbon technologies, aiding enterprises in achieving high-quality, sustainable products.
Scientific Breakthrough
We have significantly improved the capabilities of physical property prediction models, making them applicable to virtually all fluid states. Our innovative TEAM platform integrates web, communication, computation, and database technologies to seamlessly deliver comprehensive physical property data to process systems engineers. This breakthrough eliminates the challenges posed by missing property data, thereby greatly enhancing the quality and reliability of process design.
Industrial Applicability
A bottleneck for enterprises transitioning towards low-carbon operations is the proper evaluation of potential options, which hinges on reliable property data. The TEAM platform addresses this challenge by providing missing property data required for subsequent evaluations. With comprehensive and dependable property data, TEAM empowers enterprises to systematically evaluate promising options, facilitating the formulation of optimal development strategies and fostering successful transformation.
Keyword systematic evaluation low-carbon high-quality transition life cycle assessment carbon capture property prediction phase behavior prediction first-principles computations molecular simulation specialty chemicals green solvents
  • Contact
  • Shiang-Tai Lin