Technical Name 應用第三代半導體之高功率密度先進電源
Project Operator Nat'l Taiwan University of ScienceTechnology
Project Host 邱煌仁
The research topics include advanced power supply, energy storage techniques, electromechanical integration, electric vehicles,power system control. Based on the existing researchdevelopment foundation, focusing on energy conversion efficiency, high-voltage charging (fast charging), device miniaturizationlight weight, smart power management solutions, etc., with lightweight materials. Develop a power management solution to instantly monitor the power statuscharging device. The application of management to achieve the vision of a smart city.
Scientific Breakthrough
A 15 kW DC-DC Transformer is implemented with SiC deviceshas been evaluated. The output voltage range of this converter is 750 Vinput voltage is 750 V. According to the test result, the peak efficiency is up to 99.1 when output power is 9kW,  moreover, when converter operating at full load, 15kW, the efficiency is 98.6.
Industrial Applicability
Delta Electronics has established a joint research center at NTUST, with an NT$30 million (US$1 million) budget over a three-year period to enhance Taiwan’s industrial competitiveness. Taiwan’s Ministry of ScienceTechnology (MOST) has also granted an award of NT$8 million per year to support the Delta–NTUST Academia–Industry Research (AIR) Center. NTUST’s CPET continues to strengthen its ability to put research achievements to practical use through close industry–academia collaborations.
Matching Needs
Keyword Power Management Energy Technology Power Electronics GaN SiC High Power Density Power Supply
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