Technical Name A ship communications light system under human-machine interface control with the capabilities of intelligent identification, high recognition rate,low power consumption
Project Operator InnovationIncubation Center,National Kaohsiung University of ScienceTechnology
Project Host 楊奇達
Summary Searchlight is composed to high brightness redgreen LEDs. The message of Morse code is transmitted through LED colorlengths of ”on/off” time in human-machine interface. CCD image sensor integrated with LEDs receives light signal of LED from another ship,then identify the real message through the image recognition software.
Market Potential Analysis 所開發出的智慧辨識、高準確率與低耗電功能之船艦通訊LED燈號系統僅需大眾化筆電即可執行系統功能,可明確減少錯誤率、縮短作業時間、提升船艦偵搜力、保密(可客製化編碼)與精簡人力,即便發生故障,硬體可針對組件更換、軟體只要重新啟動或重灌程式即可排除。
Industrial Applicability \"Various types of vesselsall kinds of national shipbuilding in the future of Taiwan.Reduce staffing requirements of signal soldier under the promotion of Armed Forces Refining Policies. Improve accuracy of optical-signal identificationshorten speed of sending/identifying. Expand the self-defining coding/decoding for the further secrecy
Keyword High Brightness LED Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Image Sensor Intelligent Identification International Code of Signals Morse code ASCII code Human-Machine Interface Ship communication Long distance optical signal transmission image processing
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