Technical Name The 3D wireless multi-targets tracking system for minimally invasive spine surgery navigation
Project Operator National Chung Cheng University
Project Host 張盛富
Summary A 3D wireless tracking system for minimally invasive spine surgery navigation is developed based on the mm-wave radar technique. It has the benefit of multi-target trackingsmall-sized transponder. With the cooperation of radar systemtriangulation algorithm, the maximum error of 3D positioning is less than 1.8 mm in the distance of 1.2 m
Market Potential Analysis 目前國際間已有多家大廠以光學技術發展相關產品,足可見此類產品在醫療上具有高度需求。本技術以微波雷達為發展基礎,除了改善光學技術的缺點,在專利開發上更是一個全新的方向。
Industrial Applicability The minimally invasive surgery has small incisionquick recovery, but highly depends on surgeon’s skill. So the requirement of surgery navigation comes up. Our proposed microwave technique overcome the disadvantage of optical technique, which is widely used by the medical equipment companies around the world.
Keyword minimally invasive surgery surgery navigation multi-targets mm-wave microwave radar wireless three-dimension, high precision indoor positioning
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