Technical Name wireless charging drone with capacitance
Project Operator National Chin-Yi University of Technology
Project Host 管衍德
Summary Let drone parks on the wireless charging stand,after the capacitor is stored, the drone is allowed to flythe wireless charging stand can be set at several different predetermined places, so that the drone is in flight, ifWhen the power supply unit is insufficient in power, it flies to the wireless charging stand to perform wireless charging operation,the overall flight distance can
Market Potential Analysis 由於市場上並沒有太多無線充電的無人機,所以此項技術在結合於農業宅配等等,也因為科技的進步,在未來的生活中,大家更講求於便利,所以此項技術在將來是有很大的發展空間的。
Industrial Applicability Adding a wireless charging station in the fieldadopting the drone to spray the pesticide. As the hinterland of the farmland is too large, when the drone is out of power, the electric charge could be charged directly at the nearest charging station.After that, the drone can continue the work without having to return to the original point to cha
Keyword Wireless Charging SuperCapacitor Drone Renewable Energy Wind Power Solar Energy Agriculture Monitoring Emergency Rescue Goods Delivery
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