Technical Name Double Lumen Arthroscopic Cannula
Project Operator Kaohsiung medical university
Project Host 盧政昌
Summary During arthroscopic surgery, the anchor suture is easy to tangleunable to fix the soft tissue using conventional one lumen cannula. Thus we design a novel “Double lumen cannula” containing a flexible septum inside the cannula which can separatechange the cannula volume dynamically into two lumen. This would decrease the surgical timesoft tissue injury,improve the security of su
Market Potential Analysis 現行關節鏡微創手術使用的是單腔套管,醫師常需要耗費時間來處理纏繞的繩索,目前醫師的解決方式為製造額外的傷口來置入其它套管,但這不僅增加額外的手術時間,患者也需承受傷口的疼痛以及關節組織多餘的破壞。因此若本發明可應用於市場,透過1個雙腔套管取代2個單腔套管的使用,極有潛力可吸引醫師採用,甚或取代原有產品的市場。
Industrial Applicability 1. Arthroscopic surgery2. Laparoscopic surgeryother endoscope surgery
Keyword Arthroscopy Endoscopy Minimally invasive surgery Arthroscopy accessories Orthopedics Medical Device Ligament repair Tendon repair Endoscopy accessories Surgical instruments
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