Technical Name An Intelligent Piano Training System
Project Operator Cheng Shiu University
Project Host 廖奕雯
Summary This creative platform is about an interactive music platform. The main purpose is to enable users to integrate musicinteract to achieve the effect of a music theory that combines the basic rhythm of training with the basics of learning.
Market Potential Analysis 因為目前市面上並沒有實體搭配互動畫面,通常只有單一項去做訓練,其一是長久下來使用者到實體鋼琴上做練習時會沒有手感,其二是只有實體沒有動畫和即時錯誤辨識,這樣會讓使用者提不起興趣外,也無法去做更有效的規劃,綜合以上兩點,我們往後的發展則是能夠同時做到這兩種市面上所缺少的部分,進一步將這個系統達到市場化及商品化。
Industrial Applicability The invention utilizes the connection of the teaching aidthe application to make the user more convenient in practice. The application has three modes, including a visual (note) mode, a visual (key) mode,a hearing mode. The interaction is made to make the user feel interestinghappy, which in turn triggers the willingness to practice.
Keyword Internet of Things Hands-on teaching aids development board intelligence piano keyboard music training platform listening training playing training spectrum training
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