Technical Name Building/Environment Data/Information System (BeDIS) Enabled Indoor PositioningIndoor Location-Based Services
Project Operator academia sinica
Project Host 張韻詩
Summary BeDIS has the following distinguishing features:1.Is easy to configure, deploymaintain 2.Location accuracyresponse time not affected by crowds 3.Can function without Internet 4.Supports waypoint-based indoor navigation 5.Supports diverse indoor location-based APPsservices
Market Potential Analysis 全球室內定位市場需求龐大,根據專業市場分析預測,2022年,室內定位相關應用服務市場將超過400億美金,全球超過100家相關新創公司透入相關產品研發,有鑑於現有廠商在室內圖資、硬體安裝維修、空間應用改變更正、維運成本的限制,尚未有業界標準與領導廠商,新創公司機會無窮。
Industrial Applicability \"BeDIS can be used in hospitalslarge clinics to 1.Shorten the total time outpatients spend in the hospital 2.Monitor patients’ locations to avoid possible dangers 3.Facilitate equipment managementimprove work efficiency 4.Support the collection of statistics on medical device usages\"
Keyword Indoor positioning indoor navigation object tracking IoT fog computing smart healthcare big data BIM Industry 4.0 active disaster preparedness and response
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