Technical Name The Liquid Helium Phase Separator with Condenser
Project Operator National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC)
Project Host 蔡黃修
"This technology for the liquid helium phase separator consists of a refrigerator, heat exchange unit, radiation shield, and storage tank.

	Core Technology: Utilizes the low-temperature environment provided by the refrigerator to condense helium gas through the heat exchange unit.
	Heat Load Reduction: The system is designed to minimize heat load, thereby improving the efficiency of liquid helium storage.
	Recondensation: When helium gas vaporizes, the system recondenses it into liquid helium. 
Scientific Breakthrough
This technology successfully develops a recondensation-type liquid helium gas separator with a condensation capacity of 0.73 W @ 4.8 K, a total heat loss of approximately 1.2 W @ 4.8 K, a storage capacity of 100 liters, and a production rate of about 1.4 liters per day. This technology represents a pioneering achievement in the domestic production process of low-temperature liquid helium recondensation systems in Taiwan, holding significant forward-looking implications.
Industrial Applicability
The liquid helium phase separator is a technology with broad applications. It enhances the efficiency of liquid helium production and reduces production and transportation costs, which is crucial for fields such as low-temperature physics, superconductivity research, and MRI. In healthcare, it reduces MRI equipment operating costs; in research, it provides a cost-effective and stable supply of liquid helium; and in industrial and energy sectors, it supports superconducting technologies.
Keyword Re-condensation liquid helium phase separator liquid helium storage
  • Contact
  • Huang-Hsiu Tsai