
Technical category


      In this project, we have reorganized several highly immunogenic sitesstructurally essential regions to maintain it in a pre-fusion stateuse it as main antigen in our RSV vaccine candidate (RSV-F005). To induce a mucosal immune response, intranasal administration route was chosen. New mucosal adjuvant (H-muad) has been tested in threee animal models.
    • Analysis of Virus Structure of White Tail Disease for Shrimps

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Analysis of Virus Structure of White Tail Disease for Shrimps

      With the use of E. coli expression system, capsid protein assembly in vitro, X-ray photoprotein crystallographycryo-electron microscope, the T=3 capsid structure of white tail disease viruses for shrimps has been resolved successfully, such that an entire model for capsid structure of virus could be provideda mechanism for viral assemblyinfection could be understood.
    • 雙重增強表面增強拉曼散射感測器的超靈敏和快速檢測COVID-19 病毒

      FutureTech 雙重增強表面增強拉曼散射感測器的超靈敏和快速檢測COVID-19 病毒

      PCR, a gold-standard diagnostic method, were labor-intensive, time-consuming,costly, which restricted its application to widespread screening. Herein, this study purposes a one-potnon-washing method to rapidly detect virus by dual-SERS mechanism. COVID Antigens were captured by SERS nanoparticlesnovel SERS substrate simultaneously to achieve 6 order enhancements within 20 minutes. The dual-SERS sensors have reached a detection limit of 1 ng/ml in clinical samples for recognizing nucleocapsid & Spike proteins of COVID-19, which is comparable with PCR results.
    • 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      "We present here a portable device with isothermally mediated loop amplification (LAMP) for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The main components included (1) roller conveyor, (2) hotplate,(3) temperaturemotion control panels. After mixing all the solutions by rollingsqueezing the sealed compartments, the LAMP strip was heated for 30 min for amplification. Finally, fluorescence results can be read with the naked eyeon a smartphone under the UV lamp. The 700g device is powered by a portable charger, making it easier to detect pathogens in resource-limited environments."
    • BPRSJ338: Therapeutic Applications for COVID-19

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech BPRSJ338: Therapeutic Applications for COVID-19

      BPRSJ338 exhibits high potency of anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and is in development for fighting COVID-19 as a first-in-class drug. BPRSJ338 also potently inhibits against broad-spectrum coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, TGEV, FIPV and MHV. Related US and Taiwan patents have been granted.​ Therefore it is also applicable to fight against severe evolving coronaviruses in the future.
    • 運用合成抗體庫發展治療與診斷人類疾病用抗體的抗體技術平台

      FutureTech 運用合成抗體庫發展治療與診斷人類疾病用抗體的抗體技術平台

      We provide antibody-based solutions to human diseases with short development course at low cost, are based on the phage-displayed GH (Generic Human) synthetic antibody libraries designedconstructed with enabling approaches, leading to the throughput capacities to uplift the innovativenessproductivity in developing antibody therapeuticsdiagnostics. In conjunction with the core technologies, antibody bioinformatics capable of extracting knowledge from big data of human antibody repertoires is used to elucidate human antibody responsesto assist antibody library design.
    • 抗菌胜肽epinecidin-1當作佐劑用於預防或治療病毒性疾病之應用

      FutureTech 抗菌胜肽epinecidin-1當作佐劑用於預防或治療病毒性疾病之應用

      A method of enhancing a mammalian immune response to a virus is disclosed. The method comprises administering a composition comprising an effective amount of epinecidin (Epi)-1the virus to a mammal, wherein the virus has envelope proteinis infectious to the mammal. In this technique, Epi-1Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were mixedinjected into mice. The mice were infected with JEV 14 days later,all mice survived. This technology has also been verified in the preparation of vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease virusnervous necrosis virus.
    • Influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof

      Provided is an influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof. This composition contains an antigen fusion protein which includes an influenza virus antigena Type IIb heat-labile enterotoxin A subunit. Immunization with the antigen fusion protein induces cellularhumoral immune responses, including systemicmucosal immune responses, against a specific in
    • Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Based on the optical fluorescence of the plant, the technology distinguishes the difference of the main protein infected by virus from the normal ones with the feature light. The main difference of this technology is to omit the complicatedbiochemical-material- consumption procedures. With the establishment of big data, the artificial intelligence algorithm identifies whether the implant is.
    • Multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors

      This technology is a new microarray chip sensing technology that integrates "organic light-emitting diodes", "liquid crystal chemical sensors" and "mobile communication system" into "multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors". The obtained signals are uploaded to the cloud for multi-dimensional analysis to achieve multiplex detection in one single sample. This sensor device is lightweight, low-cost, simple to operate, and the target-of-interest can be custom-made according to user needs.
    • Multi-functional bio-sensor chip

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo Multi-functional bio-sensor chip

      The developed multi-functional bio-sensor chip has the advantages of excellent detection performance, wide application,low mass production. At present, we have already cooperated with upstreamdownstream manufacturers for mass production of the multifunctional bio-sensor chips. At the same time, cooperate with the instrument manufacturer to develop a simple portable electrochemical detect
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