
Technical category
    • 同調共振能量轉換:新物理機制產生之電致量子點雷射

      FutureTech 同調共振能量轉換:新物理機制產生之電致量子點雷射

      Based upon Coherent Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, we have successfully demonstrated the first colloid quantum dot laser with two different kinds of quantum dots (donorsacceptors) in the light emitting layer. The donors can resonantly transfer energy into the acceptors,they also act as scattering centers. Through multiple scattering, it can form a coherent closed loop. All the donors can coherentlyresonantly transfer energy into all the acceptorsthe laser action is achieved.
    • 基於轉移學習之青光眼眼底照片診斷系統-適於各醫療院所之平台發展

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 基於轉移學習之青光眼眼底照片診斷系統-適於各醫療院所之平台發展

      A transfer learning-assisted glaucoma detection system was build first with training images from the fundus images database of Taipei Veterans General Hospital,then fine-tuned to improve its applicability on fundus images from different datasets. This system aims to assist clinic-based glaucoma screening to increase the diagnostic rate of glaucoma by using existing healthcare facility.
    • 具饋線快速復電功能之本土化配電網路管理系統

      FutureTech 具饋線快速復電功能之本土化配電網路管理系統

      This system is the integration of load transfer strategy proposingcross- platform data exchanging techniques on the localization Distribution Network Management System. When a fault occurs in a feeder, it carries out power restoration solutions. Also, the system is integrated with SCADAGIS. It is in operation to effectively manage more than 300 feeders700 MW renewable energy devices in Yunlin County, Taiwan. In 2020, the system has successfully performed 231 times of feeder accident judgementassisted Taiwan Power Company (TPC) to accelerate power restoration.
    • Personalized emotion sensing for spoken dialog interface

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Personalized emotion sensing for spoken dialog interface

      The technology is an integrated solution incorporating the retrievable personality for multimodal emotion sensing for spoken services. This framework provides a real-world flexibility that enables the estimation of the target speaker emotion states without manual personalization.
    • 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Devices with physical flexibilitystretchability have attracted a great deal of interest for use in wearable electronic technologylarge-area electronics, including displays, energy harvesters, energy storage devices, distributed sensor networks,Internet of Things applications. The present invention relates to methods for growingtransferring single-crystal III-nitride nanorodstwo dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDs) nanostructures,devices having the transferred nanostructures for flexible device, microLED,3DIC fabrications.
    • Monolithic hybrid type quantum dots micro-light-emitting diodes for the full-color pixel array

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Monolithic hybrid type quantum dots micro-light-emitting diodes for the full-color pixel array

      A wavelength tunable micro-light-emitting diodes fabricated by the nanometer-level etching technology, the strain-induced engineering can effectively shift the emission wavelength from green to blue. Meanwhile, we introduced the ALD for the passivation layer,the super inkjet printing system used to form the color-conversion layer to emissive red light. Finally, a hybrid type full-color micro-LED has been fabricated with the monolithic epitaxial wafer.
    • 應用於自駕模型賽車之深度強化式學習技術

      FutureTech 應用於自駕模型賽車之深度強化式學習技術

      We develop an image-based sim-to-real transfer technique for deep reinforcement learning. First, we train a teacher model to move along a near optimal path. We then use this model to teach a student model the correct actions along with randomization. The technique bridges the sim-to-real gap, improving the driving speedrobustness of the simulator-trained student model in the real world.
    • 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      FutureTech 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      We developedoptimized a FRET-based genetically-encoded biosensor Met-lead with high sensitivity 10nM (0.2μg/dL, 2ppb) to fit the related regulations: the safety value of blood lead level for children 3μg/dLWHO-permitted level for tap water 10ppb. We further built a portable smart-phone device to measure Pb on-site. The practical applications of portable Met-lead can fulfill the needs from blood/urine Pb detection to drinking water/environmental irrigation water Pb monitoring, it will also help to build up a warning system to prevent further contamination from heavy metal Pb.
    • External Field-Free Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech External Field-Free Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory

      STT-MRAM: scaling down (submicron scale) along with issues of magnetic propertyintegration with semiconductor processing. SOT-MRAM: fundamental understanding on mechanism, integration with STT-MRAMCMOS for readout. VCMA-MRAM: understand the mechanism behind the observable VCMA phenomenon, integration with other RAMs for write/read.
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