
Technical category
    • 低軌道立方衛星K/Ka-頻段通訊酬載

      FutureTech 低軌道立方衛星K/Ka-頻段通訊酬載

      The purpose of this project is building a multi-function communication experimental payload for a CubeSat named PEARL (Propagation Experiment using kurz-Above-band Radio in Low earth orbit). The payload comprises Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Platform, K/Ka-Band RF frontendantennas.
    • 智慧天使基地台-人本智慧精準通訊服務

      FutureTech 智慧天使基地台-人本智慧精準通訊服務

      We developed an advanced communication system which combines edge computing, AI,drones as communication vehicles. Through the integration of platform technologyinnovative technical services, it realizes human centric precise, accurate, long-term,remote intelligentprecise mobile communication services. The prototype of the advanced communication system has completed field verification to show the application of human centric smartprecise mobile communication services.
    • Rollable and soft photonic meta-device

      FutureTech Rollable and soft photonic meta-device

      With the development of photonics, there has been a push towards optoelectronic devices that are flexible, rollable, wearable, user-friendly, and robust to improve human-machine interfaces. To be integrated onto human body, these devices must be biocompatible and be able to withstand mechanical deformation and different bending curvatures. Figure 1 shows the rollable and soft photonic meta-device.
    • Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) announces the latest approach“embedded smart textiles arrays display module” (ESTAD module) . The ESTAD module involves twoparts,one is circuitthe other is control box. The circuit is to attach the fabric seamlessly,this could be twistedrubbed to fit various design. The control box is designed smaller than the current form to put in the pocketsomewhere hidden in the potential application.
    • 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      FutureTech 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      "The SPC process technology developed by our team has a patented cloth surface treatmentmultiple layers of conductive circuit layers (Layout) without etchingtransfer printing processes. It can not only be continuously automated production (piece to piece), but also Environmental protection, in line with the green trend of cleaner production. Features: 1. E-textiles 2. Twistable 3. Folded (0-180 degree angle) 4. Cleaning 5. Customized"
    • Smart glove with soft force sensors for virtual reality somatosensory equipment training

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Smart glove with soft force sensors for virtual reality somatosensory equipment training

      The smart glove was made by soft force sensor with the multi-walled carbon nanotube cast in the mesh structurecombined with an interdigitated electrode together, then used AC/DC conversionspace calculation to establish the interactive virtual reality(VR) somatosensory system under the wireless. The recipient can achieve the same feedback as the demonstrator's behaviorskills in VR.
    • 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      3D digital pathology imagingAI auxiliary diagnosis platform integrates 3D pathology sample preparation, high speed image scanning,intelligent software analysis into a novel system. We have collaborated with clinical pathologists to develop both 3D biopsy pathology imaging workflowthe world first 3D pathology image analysis software MetaLite, along with AI models pathology feature annotationquantitative analysis of solid tumor with high accuracy can be rapidly processed. We have transferred patented technology to start up JelloX Biotech Inc. at NTHU for further operation.
    • free5GC: 5th generation mobile core network

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech free5GC: 5th generation mobile core network

      Although there are few open-source core network projects, none of them are conformed to 3GPP Release 15 (R15). The free5GC is the first one in the world based on 3GPP R15. The ultimate goal of free5GC is to implement a full commercial, operational core network including Operation, AdministrationManagement (OAM), orchestrator,network slicing complied with 3GPP R15beyond.
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