
Technical category
    • Safety device for preventing inclined falling during bicycle riding

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo Safety device for preventing inclined falling during bicycle riding

      When the bicycle is tilted, the anti-dumping support rod moves to the outside of the frame due to gravitycentrifugal force to form a large bottom area,the stability is high. The warning lighthorn of the support rod can prevent the rear vehicle from chasinghave high safety. With the use of the clamping fixture, it can be installed on various types of bicycles to have high market
    • 以電紡技術固定化酵素製備時間溫度感應器的製作方法

      FutureTech 以電紡技術固定化酵素製備時間溫度感應器的製作方法

      The time-temperature indicator (TTI) developed by immobilizing laccase on electrospun fiber film with high specific surface area. The activation energycoloration of laccase TTI can be adjusted by pHaddition level of laccaseNaN3. This TTI exhibits high accuracy, stability, temperature reversibilitylow cost. The intelligent food packaging developed by this TTI can reduce the food wastethe food safety risk in traditional packaged foods.
    • 以二維材料為基礎的ppb等級氣體偵測器

      FutureTech 以二維材料為基礎的ppb等級氣體偵測器

      Based on the mass production technique to fabricate 2D materials developed by our group, efficient gas sensors against NOx with sensitivity of 100 ppb are successfully demonstrated. In comparison to international competitors, our products exhibit superior sensitivityselectivity. Furthermore, the technique would be extended to other 2D materials to fabricate various gas sensors against multiple target gases. The integration with internet of things would then open new feasibilities for early monitoring in environmental pollutionhuman safety.
    • 具壓力調節之自然空調系統

      FutureTech 具壓力調節之自然空調系統

      Compared with the isolation areathe outdoor environment, the air pressure isolation channel is a positive pressure environment. It can completely avoid that the unsterilizedfiltered air outside the building will not enter the isolation area,perform regional protection to maintain the cleanliness of the indoor environment.
    • 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      FutureTech 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      A phosphate-sensing chip was constructed by a copper phosphate-deposited electrode. The modification of ionic liquidplasticizer can improve the selectivity of phosphate anionsreduce the interference of sulfate, nitratechloride anions. The sensing chip equipped with a portable electrochemical device can directly detect the phosphate concentration of solution extracted from soil samples in ten minutes by using amperometry. The sensing chip promises the feasibility of detecting the phosphate concentration without expensive instrumentlabor-intensively chemical colorimetry.
    • P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      FutureTech P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a useful analytical technique for detecting extremely small amounts of molecules. Herein, we designed a paper-based quasi-three-dimensional SERS substrate (P-SERS) that can provide potential to improve Raman analyses for food safety, pesticide poisoning, precision medicine, drug abuse and DNA/RNA testing. The sensitive, low-cost, flexible and disposable SERS substrate could be easily fabricated by physical deposition of gold nanoparticles array onto a filter paper. In this case, we are able to create non-continuous Au islands on the fiber surfaces, where the gaps between AuNPs can dramatically generate the high electric field to enhance Raman signal of target molecules.
    • 1550-nm固態式光學雷達晶片開發

      FutureTech 1550-nm固態式光學雷達晶片開發

      In autonomous driving, LiDAR can clearly distinguish the objectsget the object information such as speeddistance at medium-range (~100 m) for autonomous driving scheme entering Level 3. Therefore, in this study, we combine the reflective optical phased array (OPA) chip1550-nm VCSELs with a photodetector, a ToF chip,a microcontroller to produce an eye-safe, all-solid-state,low cost (less than $100 USD) LiDAR module, which is the world's leading LiDAR technologymore cost-effective than the current products for autonomous vehicle market.
    • Devicemethod for a piggyback intravenous drip frame with balance control

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo Devicemethod for a piggyback intravenous drip frame with balance control

      Due to the inconvenience of the conventional drip frame, this invention applies fuzzy control logican inverted-pendulum system to build up a reliable system, which facilitates patient mobilityensure safety with compensating the inclination angle of the piggyback intravenous drip frame based on the motion information of the patient.
    • 地震預警與結構安全監測

      FutureTech 地震預警與結構安全監測

      "On site EEWS system could detect very minor seismic P wavepredict upcoming earthquake intensitygive advanced warning to high precision manufacturerIOT devices to enable service like vocallighting warning system for early escape, gas auto shut down, elevator stop system. Structural safety monitor system could give you a flash assessment report for you to take earliersafer next step."
    • 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      FutureTech 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      We based on ion trap for mass filter so that ultra-high vacuum is not needed to reduce the weightsize. We took frequency scanning to increase our mass range by 10,000,000,000. We used LED as LC detector to reduce sizecost. Therefore, we not only made a portable device but also a device with many special advantages in technology. An advanced analytical lab can become mobile to easily reach anywhere which needs in-situreal-time analysis by our inventions.
    • 高容量高安全性硫化物系固態鋰離子電池

      FutureTech 高容量高安全性硫化物系固態鋰離子電池

      The aim of this study was to develop of high safety, high performance sulfide-based all-solid-state Li-ion battery (ASSLIB). The ASSLIB composes of a flexible, high ionic conductive,moisture insensitive sulfide-based solid-state electrolyte (SSE) film, Si/C composite anode material with self-healing polymer binder, high capacity LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NMC811) composite cathode,garnet-in-polymer solid composite interlayer to prevent decomposition of sulfide-based SSE with electrode materials.
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