
Technical category
    • 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      FutureTech 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      We based on ion trap for mass filter so that ultra-high vacuum is not needed to reduce the weightsize. We took frequency scanning to increase our mass range by 10,000,000,000. We used LED as LC detector to reduce sizecost. Therefore, we not only made a portable device but also a device with many special advantages in technology. An advanced analytical lab can become mobile to easily reach anywhere which needs in-situreal-time analysis by our inventions.
    • 小型攜帶式發電裝置 - 利用奈米矽粉與水直接產氫於燃料電池

      FutureTech 小型攜帶式發電裝置 - 利用奈米矽粉與水直接產氫於燃料電池

      Nano-sized silicon reacts rapidly with most water solutions to form pure hydrogen. However, high costlow availability are major issue. Our group has developed novel nano-sized silicon mass-production process, greatly improves its feasibilitycost for hydrogen generation. The in-time hydrogen generation by nano-size silicon, fuel-cell systemlithium ion battery system are all well integrated into one portable power system, which can satisfy general personnel electricity demand for some special conditions, such as battle field, emergency caseremote regions.
    • A High Frequency Ventilator and Electrical Impedance Tomography for Respiratory Treatment

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A High Frequency Ventilator and Electrical Impedance Tomography for Respiratory Treatment

      The high-frequency jet ventilator uses the solenoid valve and feedback techniques to control the operational parameters of the ventilator. The proposed dual-mode control mechanism allows dynamic adjustment of the tidal volume, pressure, and duration of ventilation simultaneously. The system has been verified in animal experiments and demonstrated a significant improvement in the gas exchange efficiency. Besides, the bioelectrical impedance measurement can provide real-time and accurate regional information of the lungs, which helps to monitor the patient’s condition during respiratory treatment. This work also adopts wireless communication and remote-control technology to reduce the risk of infection of medical professionals.
    • Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) announces the latest approach“embedded smart textiles arrays display module” (ESTAD module) . The ESTAD module involves twoparts,one is circuitthe other is control box. The circuit is to attach the fabric seamlessly,this could be twistedrubbed to fit various design. The control box is designed smaller than the current form to put in the pocketsomewhere hidden in the potential application.
    • 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      FutureTech 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      "The SPC process technology developed by our team has a patented cloth surface treatmentmultiple layers of conductive circuit layers (Layout) without etchingtransfer printing processes. It can not only be continuously automated production (piece to piece), but also Environmental protection, in line with the green trend of cleaner production. Features: 1. E-textiles 2. Twistable 3. Folded (0-180 degree angle) 4. Cleaning 5. Customized"
    • 結合肉眼可辨識與電化學定量檢測之可攜式銅離子感測技術

      FutureTech 結合肉眼可辨識與電化學定量檢測之可攜式銅離子感測技術

      The technology combines specific visual recognitionelectrochemical quantitative detection in a single portable device, providing instantconvenient copper ion detection. The sensing sensitivity has reached the standards of Taiwanthe United States for heavy metal detection for food, human body,environments. In use, this portableuser-friendly interface device not only makes it simple to report back to the EPA database for water quality analysis, but also it can be utilized for real-time detection from youngsters to the elderly.
    • 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      FutureTech 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      A phosphate-sensing chip was constructed by a copper phosphate-deposited electrode. The modification of ionic liquidplasticizer can improve the selectivity of phosphate anionsreduce the interference of sulfate, nitratechloride anions. The sensing chip equipped with a portable electrochemical device can directly detect the phosphate concentration of solution extracted from soil samples in ten minutes by using amperometry. The sensing chip promises the feasibility of detecting the phosphate concentration without expensive instrumentlabor-intensively chemical colorimetry.
    • A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Here, we introduce an electricity-free centrifuge platform based on a manual centrifuge. The provided centrifugal force is sufficient to produce a plasma purity of 99 separated in as little as 2−3 min. We then performed an immunoassay on a paper devicethe results were observed by a portable reader. As a result, the detection limit of the C-Reactive Protein is 1 ng/mL, with a total turnaround time of 7 min.
    • 筆型探針分析儀用於快速分析及地圖掃描表面發散之揮發性有機化合物

      FutureTech 筆型探針分析儀用於快速分析及地圖掃描表面發散之揮發性有機化合物

      We present pen-probe analyzers based on ion-mobility spectrometrymass spectrometry for in-situ detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)mapping of VOCs emanating from surfaces. User approaches probe to the analyzed object,presses a button on the probe. The collected data are uploaded to the Internet cloud for retrievalprocessing. Every data file contains the exact timegeographical co-ordinates of sample collection site. In another embodiment, the pen-shaped probe has been robotized to enable open-space samplingmapping of VOCs emanating from solid specimens.
    • 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      "We present here a portable device with isothermally mediated loop amplification (LAMP) for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The main components included (1) roller conveyor, (2) hotplate,(3) temperaturemotion control panels. After mixing all the solutions by rollingsqueezing the sealed compartments, the LAMP strip was heated for 30 min for amplification. Finally, fluorescence results can be read with the naked eyeon a smartphone under the UV lamp. The 700g device is powered by a portable charger, making it easier to detect pathogens in resource-limited environments."
    • 可攜式高質量精準質譜儀

      FutureTech 可攜式高質量精準質譜儀

      Our portable mass spectrometer is the first miniature high resolution high mass range mass spectrometer in the world, breaking through the bottle neck of conventional instruments to offer competitive performance to the commercial counterparts,performs even better in high mass range. This instrument has been successfully applied to microbial identificationhelped with samples which are difficult to detect in conventional instruments, exhibiting the advantage of precision analysis.
    • Multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors

      This technology is a new microarray chip sensing technology that integrates "organic light-emitting diodes", "liquid crystal chemical sensors" and "mobile communication system" into "multifunctional liquid crystal smart cloud sensors". The obtained signals are uploaded to the cloud for multi-dimensional analysis to achieve multiplex detection in one single sample. This sensor device is lightweight, low-cost, simple to operate, and the target-of-interest can be custom-made according to user needs.
    • 即時危險辨識系統

      FutureTech 即時危險辨識系統

      “MeDA OXR: Real-time Hazard Recognition System,” which can automatically screeninterpret the medical images in real-time, is designed for emergency rooms to assist physicians in diagnosis, reducing medical risks,improving overall efficiency. Combining portable X-RayAI algorithms, the system performs real-timeaccurate preliminary screeningdiagnoses of diseases, such as pneumothorax, pneumonia,tuberculosis. It can also locate the nasogastric tube, endotracheal tube,central venous catheter, while misplacement of that is sent to the physicians when detected.
    • 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      FutureTech 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      We developedoptimized a FRET-based genetically-encoded biosensor Met-lead with high sensitivity 10nM (0.2μg/dL, 2ppb) to fit the related regulations: the safety value of blood lead level for children 3μg/dLWHO-permitted level for tap water 10ppb. We further built a portable smart-phone device to measure Pb on-site. The practical applications of portable Met-lead can fulfill the needs from blood/urine Pb detection to drinking water/environmental irrigation water Pb monitoring, it will also help to build up a warning system to prevent further contamination from heavy metal Pb.
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