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    • Microfluidic motile sperm separation sorter

      Medical Devices FutureTech Microfluidic motile sperm separation sorter

      The microfluidic chips have been used to sort human motile sperms based on the phenomena of laminar flow. The sorted sperms would be fertilized to form the embryo by using in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The prototype of chips have been developed in the lab under National Tsing Hua University. Furthermore, the mass production has been conducted by Ritek to accomplish the disposable chips
    • COVID-19動物模式- 擬人化小鼠及免疫分析平台

      FutureTech COVID-19動物模式- 擬人化小鼠及免疫分析平台

      Two COVID-19 animal models, including humanized Ace2 micehuman peripheral blood lymphocyte transplanted mice, are used to mimic COVID-19 infection, immune responsecytokine release syndrome in human. The immune analytical platform can further outline the immune cell, cytokinebiomarker response pattern after viral infection. The COVID-19 humanized animal modelthe immune analytical platform will support COVID-19 related researchfacilitate new drugnew therapy validation.
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