
Technical category
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    • 廢棄物回收碳轉化高價值石墨(烯)奈米粉體技術

      FutureTech 廢棄物回收碳轉化高價值石墨(烯)奈米粉體技術

      The invention belongs to the field of low-temperature electrochemical graphitizationis improved by the FFC-Cambridge Process. In comparison to the traditional process, the invention can be at a low temperature of 850oCshorter process time. This strategy can convert carbon blacks into high-value graphite (graphene). The method is simple, low temperature, without adding catalyzer,low-cost. The products have a wide range of applications such as energy storage, catalysis, absorption, separation, processing metal cutter, precision die, aeronautics,astronautics.
    • Using innovative microbial technologies as a high-efficiency valued-added total solution for industrial livestock wastewater treatment

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Using innovative microbial technologies as a high-efficiency valued-added total solution for industrial livestock wastewater treatment

      The innovative microbial wastewater treatment technology of our team can effectively reduce the COD, BOD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in livestock wastewater to the emission standards in a short period of time, and the generated microorganisms can be developed for feed additives and organic fertilizers. In terms of industrial wastewater, this technology can also effectively clean petrochemical, ammonia nitrogen and heavy metal wastewater by degrading COD and ammonia nitrogen even adsorbing heavy metals, showing the excellent treatment performances.
    • High-value recycling waste materials to produce lightweight aggregate

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech High-value recycling waste materials to produce lightweight aggregate

      Responding the government’s policy of “circular economy”. The project is to manufacture high value and energy saving construction material (lightweight aggregate) by using Taiwan environmental and industrial waste, such as paper sludge, textile sludge, organic waste solvent from semiconductor industry, and reservoir sludge, etc. Based on fully recyclable concept to create real benefits for domestic ecological environment.
    • 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      FutureTech 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      Using the concept of bionicscircular economy to develop low-costhigh -performance flexible electrodesionic liquid polyelectrolytes for all solid-state flexible supercapacitors. This type of flexible electrode has excellent dimensional stabilityelectrochemical characteristics. The gel-state polyelectrolytes can be used with metal oxide electrodes to provide high scalability, low cost,high efficiency at high temperatures.
    • Devicemethod for recyclingreuse of reverse osmosis wastewater

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo Devicemethod for recyclingreuse of reverse osmosis wastewater

      The novel aM device (AC@SGO) is capable of removing extra, unwantedtoxic ions. Particularly it can replace the RO water purifier with even better performance. In addition, the aM device can also be used in industrial RO wastewater recycling with a minimum maintenance necessity. The aM device with the advantages of relatively low costmultiple functions would have a high business competitiv
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