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    • Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Effectively inducing cytotoxic T cell expansion has been a critical challenge in vaccine development. To address this challenge, an entirely biodegradable polymeric nanoshell was invented to couple antigensadjuvants for safepotent immune potentiation. The invention has been adopted for precision anticancer vaccine, broadly reactive influenza vaccine,an effective vaccine MERS-CoV.
    • COVID-19全球即時疫情地圖

      FutureTech COVID-19全球即時疫情地圖

      The National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC) of the National Applied Research Laboratories uses API (application programming interface) to connect public data from Johns Hopkins UniversityTaiwan's Ministry of HealthWelfare. That means when raw data updated, the website will also automatically update its numbers. The purpose is to let people discuss in a scientificobjective waydata could be verified a step further.
    • 可誘發黏膜免疫之家禽冠狀病毒受體結合域蛋白質疫苗

      FutureTech 可誘發黏膜免疫之家禽冠狀病毒受體結合域蛋白質疫苗

      We developed a chicken mucosa-targeting polymeric nanoparticle vaccine (~90 nm) co-delivering viral antigenCpG adjuvant using a water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion technique. The particles are biodegradablebiocompatible. This nanoparticle significantly stimulated chicken Harderian gland B cell proliferationsubsequent local IgAIgG secretion in tears. The mucosal Ig protected chickens from virus infection by lowering virus replication at the infection sitethereafter reducing tracheal epithelial ciliostasissystemic infection, relieving clinical symptoms.
    • 抗菌胜肽epinecidin-1當作佐劑用於預防或治療病毒性疾病之應用

      FutureTech 抗菌胜肽epinecidin-1當作佐劑用於預防或治療病毒性疾病之應用

      A method of enhancing a mammalian immune response to a virus is disclosed. The method comprises administering a composition comprising an effective amount of epinecidin (Epi)-1the virus to a mammal, wherein the virus has envelope proteinis infectious to the mammal. In this technique, Epi-1Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were mixedinjected into mice. The mice were infected with JEV 14 days later,all mice survived. This technology has also been verified in the preparation of vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease virusnervous necrosis virus.
    • 新冠肺炎病毒以及其變異株的單醣化棘突蛋白疫苗

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎病毒以及其變異株的單醣化棘突蛋白疫苗

      Monoglycosylated spike protein vaccine provides better protection against infections of SARS-CoV-2its variants of concern. Spike protein, which is the main immunogen in all current vaccines, is heavily glycosylatedthe epitopes covered by glycans are usually less immunogenic. Monoglycosylated spike protein vaccine, when vaccinated, can elicit better immune response with a more complete protection against all possible epitopes from spike polypeptide sequence,provide better protection against infections from variants of concerns.
    • Influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof

      Provided is an influenza mucosal vaccine compositionpreparationapplication thereof. This composition contains an antigen fusion protein which includes an influenza virus antigena Type IIb heat-labile enterotoxin A subunit. Immunization with the antigen fusion protein induces cellularhumoral immune responses, including systemicmucosal immune responses, against a specific in
    • 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      Our core generated several types of transgenic micea stable humanized ACE2 mice using a combi-CRISPR genetic engineering technique. We hope these mouse models can help to dissect COVID-19 pathogenic mechanismthe interaction(s) between spike proteinACE2 K353.
    • 氣凝膠高效隔熱冷鏈保冷箱

      FutureTech 氣凝膠高效隔熱冷鏈保冷箱

      “Aerogel Cold Chain Storage Box with High-efficiency Thermal Insulation Performance” insulation layer includes phase change materials aerogel phenolic foamed insulation materials,aerogel insulation coatings. The carbon fibre used composite materials as the box shell. It is an innovative vaccine mobile refrigerator that does not require a power supply. It can keep cold for a long timehas good low-temperature stability. Our thermal materials have better cold retentionfire resistance than the insulation material used in the international COVID-19 vaccine storage.


      In this project, we have reorganized several highly immunogenic sitesstructurally essential regions to maintain it in a pre-fusion stateuse it as main antigen in our RSV vaccine candidate (RSV-F005). To induce a mucosal immune response, intranasal administration route was chosen. New mucosal adjuvant (H-muad) has been tested in threee animal models.
    • 一種豬瘟Erns可溶性蛋白生產純化技術及其專一性鑑別型之應用性

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 一種豬瘟Erns可溶性蛋白生產純化技術及其專一性鑑別型之應用性

      The technology optimizes the antigen protein expression system, so that the structural protein Erns of CFSV converts insoluble proteins into soluble proteins during the production process. The breakthrough of this technology allows the antigen protein to be applied to the development of an immune attachment screening platform, as a specialized differential diagnostic reagents can distinguish between virus-infectedvaccinated pigs, which can be applied to the monitoring system of virus transmission rangevaccination
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