
Technical category
  • 共有:7筆資料
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  • 筆商品
    • Double Lumen Arthroscopic Cannula

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo Double Lumen Arthroscopic Cannula

      During arthroscopic surgery, the anchor suture is easy to tangleunable to fix the soft tissue using conventional one lumen cannula. Thus we design a novel “Double lumen cannula” containing a flexible septum inside the cannula which can separatechange the cannula volume dynamically into two lumen. This would decrease the surgical timesoft tissue injury,improve the security of su
    • Self-healing ultra-high performance concrete

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Self-healing ultra-high performance concrete

      The self-healing ultra-high-performance concrete is a green construction material. It has the key characteristics of self-healing ability, high deformability, and ultra-high strength. The material composition contains a high proportion of by-products from industrial manufacturing. The particle packing density of the developed material is optimized to make this new multi-functional concrete material also have the ability of self-healing and deformability.
    • 強效保濕修護乳解決皮膚傷口問題

      FutureTech 強效保濕修護乳解決皮膚傷口問題

      The International Center for Wound RepairRegeneration of National Cheng Kung University transferredestablished Ducolege Biotechnology Co., Ltd., using Extre2Cold exclusive extraction technology to extract highly active marine collagen from Tilapia fish skin, which is type I collagen with a complete molecular structurehas a three-stranded helix structure. It is biologically activeperfectly presents the magical ability of fish skin to repair wounds. It can be widely used in biomedical materialsacademic research. It is currently first promoted in the development of high-level medical beauty repairmaintenance products, which is helpful for repairing damaged skin.
    • 旋轉肌袖手術之固定薄片系統

      FutureTech 旋轉肌袖手術之固定薄片系統

      The Augmented patch system for rotator cuff surgery is used in situations where soft tissue is detached from the tissue, such as tendon rupture. Through this system, arthroscopic minimally invasive surgery can greatly shorten the operation timeimprove the efficiency of the operation. Large goat animal experiments have been plannedexecuted together with NAR Labs Animal Center. Compared with the traditional surgical method, the recovery strength of the sheep's tendon using the thin Augmented patch system has increased by 72, which is a significant improvement
    • Dual-Core Self-Centering Energy Dissipation Brace

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Dual-Core Self-Centering Energy Dissipation Brace

      Conventional buildings use beambrace members to dissipate seismic energy. However, these members may cause residual deformation of buildings under large earthquakes, which affects the building seismic performanceincreases the difficulty of reuse after earthquakes. Therefore, a novel earthquake-resisting member "Dual-Core Self-Centering Brace, DC-SCB” was developed. The DC-SCB uses tendons to provide the elastic restoring forcea friction devicesteel bars to provide energy dissipation so that the building can return to the original position after major earthquakes. The DC-SCB significantly reduces the residual deformationrepair cost of the building after earthquakes, also reducing the large lateral displacementcollapse of the building.
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