
Technical category
  • 共有:2筆資料
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    • Highly Efficient Quantum Key Distribution

      FutureTech Highly Efficient Quantum Key Distribution

      Quantum key distribution exploits the transmissiondetection of single photons’ quantum states to generatedistribute secure keys, allowing absolutely secure communication. We use a self-developed miniature single-photon source, together with the single-photon wavepacket engineering, to implement a highly efficient protocol of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution. Using the Ca
    • On-chip integrated quantum polarization-entangled optical source

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech On-chip integrated quantum polarization-entangled optical source

      We developed a unique integrated quantum polarization entangled light source, in addition to generating a quantum polarization entangled photon pair, the integrated quantum chip also utilizes a special adiabatic optical light transfer array to integrate the on-chip polarization-dependent spectral splitting via the quantum tunneling effect. The integrated quantum light source provides a stable polarization entangled source for the more quantum applications.
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