
Technical category
    • Vacuum Functional Coating Technology

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Vacuum Functional Coating Technology

      Here we prepare a non-evaporative getter (NEG) film using magnetron sputtering. A vacuum chamber with a sputtered NEG film can maintain ultra-high vacuum (-10 Torr level) without any pump after activation. The activation temperature can be controlled below 200 °C according to different process conditions. The activated NEG film adsorbs residual gases in the vacuum system to achieve the UHV.
    • 同調共振能量轉換:新物理機制產生之電致量子點雷射

      FutureTech 同調共振能量轉換:新物理機制產生之電致量子點雷射

      Based upon Coherent Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, we have successfully demonstrated the first colloid quantum dot laser with two different kinds of quantum dots (donorsacceptors) in the light emitting layer. The donors can resonantly transfer energy into the acceptors,they also act as scattering centers. Through multiple scattering, it can form a coherent closed loop. All the donors can coherentlyresonantly transfer energy into all the acceptorsthe laser action is achieved.
    • 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      FutureTech 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      A microfluidic diffraction device is developed for determination of CTC/bacteria from human whole blood with a home-constructed laser beam system. We design the optical structuretransfer the structure to transparent plastic substrate. The plastic diffraction die is modified with antibodies of the target to combine a fluidic system as a microfluidic diffraction chip. When human whole blood with CTCs/bacteria flows through the chip, the number of cells/bacteria can be obtained directly with label-free. The devices has been applied in clinical diagnosis of oesophagealendometrial cancer.
    • 具有頂級轉換效率之創新醫療雷射系統:用於眼部與皮膚疾病治療

      FutureTech 具有頂級轉換效率之創新醫療雷射系統:用於眼部與皮膚疾病治療

      We originally design a highly efficient NdYVO4/KGW Raman laser at 579.5 nm. The KGW crystal is specially coated to prevent the Stokes wave from propagating through the gain medium so as to minimize the cavity losses. Moreover, we explore a new output coupler with double-sided dichroic coating to exterminate the leakage power of the Stokes wave to lead to a remarkable improvement for the output efficiency. The maximum output power can be up to 10.5W at a pump power of 40W. The conversion efficiency of the diode pump light to yellow laser output can be increased to 26.3.
    • Low-temperature magnesium hydrogen storage materials and energy storage applications

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Low-temperature magnesium hydrogen storage materials and energy storage applications

      The goal of this project is to study "low-temperature magnesium hydrogen storage materials and energy storage applications". Mg hydrogen storage materials with a hydrogen storage capacity of 5.0 wt% is developed,and their dehydrogenation rate at 250℃ will be significantly enhanced using a forcible pump. The Mg hydrogen storage powders are inserted into a tank for cyclic hydrogenation-dehydrogenation tests. The H2 gas desorbed from the tank is supplied to a high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell (HT-PEMFC,160℃) for power generation.
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