
Technical category
    • Towards Automatic Hyperspectral Imaging via the Combination of Sample Navigation MappingLaser Scanning Spectral Microscopy

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Towards Automatic Hyperspectral Imaging via the Combination of Sample Navigation MappingLaser Scanning Spectral Microscopy

      Photonic_Workshop@CCMS.NTU has successfully developed a motorized micro-mapping system to explore and navigate samples. This system is able to acquire high resolution images to produce a sample map automatically. This map is also synchronized with the coordinates of motorized stages. This achievement allows users to explore and position their hotspots from the map, and precisely deploy the hotspot to the central field of view by motorized stages. In addition, this mapping system can combine with a laser scanning confocal spectral microscope (LSCSM) to acquire sample spectral mapping. Our result has shown the capability to improve the efficiency of hotspot positioning and data acquisition process.
    • 自主無人機巡檢系統

      FutureTech 自主無人機巡檢系統

      With our autonomous UAV systems, we can effectively reduce many high-riskhigh-cost inspections which require high manpower, such as inspections of dams, river, coastline patrols, etc Operators only need to setuplaunch the system to allow the UAV to complete the designated tasks independently. The UAV will fly autonomously through visual navigation,will detect, record, measuremark the specified objects accordingly, while updating information to the satellite aerial image using spatial positioning technology, so that stakeholders can have a more comprehensive understanding on overall situation.
    • To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      This theme is designed to implement the robot's appearancepractical functions. Apply PSPNet to detect the walkable planeYolo to detect obstacles, so that the robot has the autonomous obstacle avoidance function, informing more information about the environmental obstacles around the visually impaired,apply CNN to locate indoor position with self-built indoor database.
    • 針內超音波-麻醉探針

      FutureTech 針內超音波-麻醉探針

      "Intra-needle ultrasound - anesthesia probe provides an innovative way to puncture preciselysafely in thoracic regional anesthesia, especially for high BMI patients. In clinical practice, the anesthetic techniques are performed under ultrasound-guidance. The unmet medical need is to resolve the difficulty in needle tip imaging for high BMI patients. This technique provides an innovative way for pleura identification, tracking, distance measuring,early warning in real-time. It greatly reduces the risk of pleural puncturepneumothorax,improves the safety."
    • 單視覺影像比對式與超寬頻之室內定位技術

      FutureTech 單視覺影像比對式與超寬頻之室內定位技術

      Two indoor positioning techniques are presented. The first one is a monocular vision based landmark matching scheme for identifying absolute indoor locations. The scheme requires just one photo shotmatches it with a landmark database to obtain the location. The landmark data base can be easily adapted to different fields. The proposed scheme is highly computing efficient. The correct landmark identification rate is up to 90the positioning accuracy is 1.5m. The second one is a relative positioning scheme based on ultra-wide band (UWB) technology. It can be employed on an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) to implement the trailing function. The accuracy of positioning is 80cm.
    • Innovative Wireless PositioningTracking System

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Innovative Wireless PositioningTracking System

      iTech has developed an Innovative Wireless Positioning&Tracking System. iShield can simultaneously detect drones & operators. iPosition tracks thousands of targets indoor. iFollow is an auto-following function for smart droids.
    • 無人機自動飛航送餐服務

      FutureTech 無人機自動飛航送餐服務

      Drone delivery is a popularemerging application at present. However, existing drone delivery systems can only deliver to outdoor open spaces via GPS,cannot directly to the interior of recipient's building. In the era of covid-19 pandemic, we aim to reduce human contactpropose a drone delivery system that can deliver packages to the doorstepthe interior of buildings,to achieve fully automatic control of the drone by developing visual positioning technique.
    • 自主巡航水下無人載具

      FutureTech 自主巡航水下無人載具

      The developed Unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) included 3-D modeling technology, wireless power transfer between sub-system in AUV, GPS underwater locate system, low complexity frequency domain on ocean floor analyze with AI network, underwater objects detection network, image dehaze network on groundunder water, underwater color correction network, underwater objects classification network, underwater optical characteristic algorithmLED color compensation system.
    • Wafer Level Probing System for Semiconductor Gas Sensor with High Throughput

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo Wafer Level Probing System for Semiconductor Gas Sensor with High Throughput

      This probing equipment is integrated by the opto-mechanical, electricalvacuum systematic technologies to efficiently measure the electric properties of gas sensor chips at wafer level. Therefore, we can identify the functionality of each sensor chip in early phasethen discard the unqualified chips to enhance the production efficiencyproducts competition.
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