
Technical category
    • 專用於細胞免疫治療的成體幹細胞體外增殖誘導與冷凍保存整合系統

      FutureTech 專用於細胞免疫治療的成體幹細胞體外增殖誘導與冷凍保存整合系統

      The invention integrates a variety of technologies including stem cell proliferation, directed inductioncryopreservation in vitro. This integrated system was developed under chemical defined condition,can expand various type of stem cells over one hundred foldcan furtherly induce to specific mature cells up to ten millions. In addition, the amount of cryoprotectant can be significantly reduced to 2 in the cryopreservation system with excellent cell survival rate. This integrated system can provide a promisingvarious stem cell sources for cell therapyimmunotherapy.
    • An Intelligent Piano Training System

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo An Intelligent Piano Training System

      This creative platform is about an interactive music platform. The main purpose is to enable users to integrate musicinteract to achieve the effect of a music theory that combines the basic rhythm of training with the basics of learning.
    • 人工智慧機器人應用於植物醫學之研究-以甜椒為例

      FutureTech 人工智慧機器人應用於植物醫學之研究-以甜椒為例

      The sweet pepper cultivationplant protection robot developed includes three parts: the intelligent image identificationpositioning system of sweet pepper diseasesinsect pests is composed of YOLO4 deep learning modelimage 3D vision integration. It can perform disease detectionspatial positioning,guide the robotic arm spraying device to accurately spray the diseased. The automatic walking system can use GPS to plan the movement path of the plant protection robot in the field, search for plants infected with pestsdiseases,perform the tasks of pest control.
    • 自體血小板濃縮過濾器

      FutureTech 自體血小板濃縮過濾器

      The autologous platelet concentration filter mainly filters the blood platelets to selectively capture the platelets in the blood,re-releases the platelets captured by the membrane through the secondary extraction method. The main principle comes from the control of membrane holesmembrane. The surface modification technology, multi-layer laminated membranethe control of the extraction design make it possible to quickly obtain autologous platelets concentrated.
    • The Application of Intelligent Agricultural Control System on Orchard

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech The Application of Intelligent Agricultural Control System on Orchard

      This project integrated with industrial foresight technologies, including UAV, artificial intelligenceimage recognition, to collect real-time images, apply algorithm in evaluation, link the technology of IOT (Internet of Things)environment sensing,use unmanned vehicle to conduct controlling work.
    • 擴增實境之光場顯示光機

      FutureTech 擴增實境之光場顯示光機

      PetaRay’s solution is called LiFiD, which is delivered in the form of optical module for near-eye displays. It reproduces the light rays of a sceneprojects them directly onto user’s retinas. Besides projecting light rays directly onto user’s retina to solve the vergence-accommodation conflict, LiFid has continuous focal planesallows the display content to precisely match the desired depth of field. No eye tracker and/or other sensors are needed for the projection.
    • To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      This theme is designed to implement the robot's appearancepractical functions. Apply PSPNet to detect the walkable planeYolo to detect obstacles, so that the robot has the autonomous obstacle avoidance function, informing more information about the environmental obstacles around the visually impaired,apply CNN to locate indoor position with self-built indoor database.
    • The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      This project aims to incorporate the state-of-the-art InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data techniques in linking every aspect of community-based integrated long-term care (LTC), improving the efficiency of care servicesadministrative process,to realize the idea of Aging in Place emphasized in the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
    • AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      FutureTech AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      The AR-assisted endoscopic navigation system for brain surgery combines CT/MRI images, 3D cerebrovascular/nerve models,endoscopic images for surgical planningnavigation. AR glasses can display the 3D navigation inside the patient's skull, providing surgeons with intuitive 3D surgical navigation. In addition, the cerebrovascular/nerve model is also superimposed on the endoscopic image, allowing the surgeon to predict the upcoming surgical situation. The AR display endoscopic images can be simultaneously transmitted to the remote site for assistance through 5G communication.
    • Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol Profile in 3D PM2.5 Construction for Regional Air Pollution Monitoring

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol Profile in 3D PM2.5 Construction for Regional Air Pollution Monitoring

      Concerning the uncertainty of assuming well-mixed aerosols within the planetary boundary layer, a sensible aerosol vertical distribution described by a log-normal fitting function is proposed to provide more realistic single-peak extinction profile with a decadal MPL in situ dataset. The performance of fitted single-peak aerosol profiles can reach up 0.8973 of correlation coefficient when considering the seasonal variations in PBLH and the surface layer height of well-mixed aerosols. Eventually, not only the aerosol extinction profile but also the 3-dimensional distribution are promising to be created from satellite AOD retrieval with PBLH information for providing accurate PM2.5 monitoring over a regional scale.
    • 電漿噴塗金屬支撐型固態氧化物燃料電池片

      FutureTech 電漿噴塗金屬支撐型固態氧化物燃料電池片

      A Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (MS-SOFC) unit cell with high electricity power output, stability, thermal-shock, mechanical-shock resistanceanti-redox abilities was successfully produced by a continuous fabrication process. This product can be installed not only in stationary SOFC power system but also in transportation set-up. The core technology of the fabrication process is Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) technique which was employed to produce desired functional oxide lays onto permeable Nickel-base super alloy substrate.
    • Technology of anthropomorphic robotic armintelligent grasping

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Technology of anthropomorphic robotic armintelligent grasping

      Through patented wearable sensor fusion technology, human 3D motions can be captured in real-time which allow 7-DOF robotic armdexterous robotic hand to perform anthropomorphic motiongrasping action. Integrated with eye-in-hand visual module, the adaptive gripper can intelligently decide optimal grasping strategy to ensure success grasping of arbitrary shape of objects in smart manufacturing applications.
    • 珍珠號-低軌通訊實驗立方衛星

      FutureTech 珍珠號-低軌通訊實驗立方衛星

      PEARL is a 6U CubeSat with a Ku/Ka-band Communication Payload (KCP) to provide a high throughput satellite communication networka CIP to monitor connection quality of global satellite communicationsoutage of navigation signals.
    • Compact Ionospheric Probe

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Compact Ionospheric Probe

      Compact Ionospheric Probe (CIP) is an all-in-one plasma sensor to optimizely install on CubeSat platform with sampling rate up to 1,024 S/s to measure ionospheric plasma concentrations, velocities,temperatures over a wide range of spatial scales in a time-sharing way.
    • A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Here, we introduce an electricity-free centrifuge platform based on a manual centrifuge. The provided centrifugal force is sufficient to produce a plasma purity of 99 separated in as little as 2−3 min. We then performed an immunoassay on a paper devicethe results were observed by a portable reader. As a result, the detection limit of the C-Reactive Protein is 1 ng/mL, with a total turnaround time of 7 min.
    • Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Based on the optical fluorescence of the plant, the technology distinguishes the difference of the main protein infected by virus from the normal ones with the feature light. The main difference of this technology is to omit the complicatedbiochemical-material- consumption procedures. With the establishment of big data, the artificial intelligence algorithm identifies whether the implant is.
    • BPRSJ338: Therapeutic Applications for COVID-19

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech BPRSJ338: Therapeutic Applications for COVID-19

      BPRSJ338 exhibits high potency of anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and is in development for fighting COVID-19 as a first-in-class drug. BPRSJ338 also potently inhibits against broad-spectrum coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, TGEV, FIPV and MHV. Related US and Taiwan patents have been granted.​ Therefore it is also applicable to fight against severe evolving coronaviruses in the future.
    • AI決策輔助平台設計開發適用多種用途的仿生雙面膠帶

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech AI決策輔助平台設計開發適用多種用途的仿生雙面膠帶

      We use AI analysissimulation technology to produce decision-making parameters according to requirements input to designdevelop different materialspatterning technologies. The technology can quickly produce world-leading biomimetic double-sided tapes with broad applications, even in harsh environments. In addition to assisting in advanced industrial processindustrial automation for companies, the usage of the double-sided tapes combined with bionic grippers becomes a system for lifting thin plate objectseasily adheringpeeling repeatedly.
    • 低軌道立方衛星K/Ka-頻段通訊酬載

      FutureTech 低軌道立方衛星K/Ka-頻段通訊酬載

      The purpose of this project is building a multi-function communication experimental payload for a CubeSat named PEARL (Propagation Experiment using kurz-Above-band Radio in Low earth orbit). The payload comprises Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Platform, K/Ka-Band RF frontendantennas.
    • 應用於預防心血管疾病之無線生理檢測晶片系統與平台

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 應用於預防心血管疾病之無線生理檢測晶片系統與平台

      The technology of 「Guard Patch」includes three parts. 1. Wearable devices, 2. Intelligent wireless monitoring system. 3. Cloud server with AI to avoid the happen of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The products of 「Guard Patch」also includes three parts: 1. Medical Market: (1) YuGuard, (2) YuSound, (3) YuRine. 2. Wearable Market: (1) YuCloth, (2) YuPet, (3) YuBelt. 3.Educative Market: TriAnswer. The mentioned seven products developed by Yutech can be employed in medical, wearable, educative markets to satisfy the different demands of customersachieve the dream of 「Bioelectronics Garden」
    • Next Precision Weightlifting Platform

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Next Precision Weightlifting Platform

      The main purpose of this invention is to provide a training system with the surrounding photographing unit, the display unit,a force platform. The system can immediately capture the motion of the user from various angles,measure the force of the user from both legs, in order to provide the useful biofeedback information to coachesathletes.
    • A Novel “Platform Technology” in Surgical Hemostasis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Novel “Platform Technology” in Surgical Hemostasis

      A novel “Platform Technology” in surgical hemostasis, based on biodegradable polyurethane particles with anti-inflammatory and nerve repair, not only accelerates wound healing but also provides solutions for hemostasis during surgery, and improve biocompatibility and adverse of commercially hemostats to achieve the best patient care. Our first product is aimed to provide a hemostatic agent, use on the bleeding surface and deep, with additional functions to surgeons, which allows customers to shorten the operation time, reduce stay in the hospital, and reduce the chance of secondary surgery.