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    • Personalized emotion sensing for spoken dialog interface

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Personalized emotion sensing for spoken dialog interface

      The technology is an integrated solution incorporating the retrievable personality for multimodal emotion sensing for spoken services. This framework provides a real-world flexibility that enables the estimation of the target speaker emotion states without manual personalization.
    • 硬科技:人工智慧讓謠言無處可藏

      FutureTech 硬科技:人工智慧讓謠言無處可藏

      "Four automatic rumor detection models based on artificial intelligencenatural language processing. Rumor Detection on Twitter Using Multiloss Hierarchical BiLSTM with an Attenuation Factor Exploiting Microblog Conversation Structures to Detect Rumors Birds of a Feather Rumor Together? Exploring HomogeneityConversation Structure in Social Media for Rumor Detection Meet The Truth: Leverage Objective FactsSubjective Views for Interpretable Rumor Detection Experimental results show that these four models have greatly improved the accuracy of rumor detection, surpassing other SOTA models."
    • 多模肺癌臨床智慧決策分享輔助系統

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 多模肺癌臨床智慧決策分享輔助系統

      The proposed technologies apply deep learning methodsbig clinical data for lung cancer decision support. The system consists of: 1) CT radiogenomicspatho-genomics for automatic cancer detectionprediction of EGFR mutation 2) demographics to predict survival 3) genomics to predict cancer recurrencemetastasis,4) drug response inference for the best target therapy option. The modules are constructed on an AI-based Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS-SDM). The system is expected to provide physicianspatients with personalized medication recommendations.
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