
Technical category
    • 無人機自動飛航送餐服務

      FutureTech 無人機自動飛航送餐服務

      Drone delivery is a popularemerging application at present. However, existing drone delivery systems can only deliver to outdoor open spaces via GPS,cannot directly to the interior of recipient's building. In the era of covid-19 pandemic, we aim to reduce human contactpropose a drone delivery system that can deliver packages to the doorstepthe interior of buildings,to achieve fully automatic control of the drone by developing visual positioning technique.
    • 多維度城市地震動態衝擊模擬

      FutureTech 多維度城市地震動態衝擊模擬

      Using seismic impact simulation to dynamic display the three-dimensional structure modeling of active fault model,dynamic response on 3D building, utilize augmented reality (AR) technology to show the building dynamic simulation mixed-reality.
    • The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      This project aims to incorporate the state-of-the-art InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data techniques in linking every aspect of community-based integrated long-term care (LTC), improving the efficiency of care servicesadministrative process,to realize the idea of Aging in Place emphasized in the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
    • AI深度壓縮工具鏈及混合定點數CNN運算加速器

      FutureTech AI深度壓縮工具鏈及混合定點數CNN運算加速器

      Assisted by in-house AI deep compression toolchain (ezLabel, ezModel, ezQUANT, ezHybrid-M), the proposed technology supports automatic AI model designoptimization with the integrated performance of 120x model size reduction70x power reduction in 2D CNN model,develops a world-first 1/2/4/8-bit CNN model realized by the developed high efficiency Hybrid fixed point CNN NPU (Hybrid-NPU), which has been verified in Xilinx ZCU102 FPGAachieves the performance up to 2.5 TOPS(8-b)/ 20TOPS(1-b)@28nm technology running at 550MHz4TOPS/W energy efficiency.
    • GaN Based High-frequency High-efficiency Converter

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech GaN Based High-frequency High-efficiency Converter

      A high power converter application built with GaN HEMT was presented. The technical aspects are developed from 6-inch wafers to converter applications, covering the optimization of 6-inch GaN epitaxial layers. The processdevice model of the 6-inch GaN E/D-mode component was established. Low-side GaN HEMT logic gates ( 2MHz) for integrated circuit were designed. Finally, The high-frequency LLC resonant converter is completed.
    • 探勘金融消費資料於客戶消費行為預測與個人化電子廣告標題生成

      FutureTech 探勘金融消費資料於客戶消費行為預測與個人化電子廣告標題生成

      Our technologies are able to analyze customer behaviorsprovide personalized automatic services. We take two directions: (1) Establish a customer behavior predictionrecommendation system by analyzing consumption records, exploring behavior features,strengthening the link between marketing strategiesbehavior analysis (2) Collaborative EDM subjects generation by analyzing the relationship between customers’ click recordsconsumption for understanding the relationship between customer intentionsfinancial products,for generating personalized marketing strategies.
    • 人工智慧自動化優質細胞選取精進平台

      FutureTech 人工智慧自動化優質細胞選取精進平台

      Induced pluripotent stem cells are a promising new technology in translation medicine,AI technology is an automaticpowerful platform that can help identify cell images with unique characteristics, predictprovide information about cell types, differentiation stages, cell quality,normal Or disease-specific feature information. The combination of this induced pluripotent stem cell differentiation platformAI-based artificial intelligence image analysis technology will have great benefits for future cell product applications.
    • 以深度學習與數位孿生輔助工地鋼筋查驗

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 以深度學習與數位孿生輔助工地鋼筋查驗

      This technique combines deep learningdigital twin technologies to connect the designconstruction processto achieve construction-site rebar inspection, issue tracking, verificationmaintenance. This core component of this method is based on the image collection of rebar frames, digital twin creation, cooperative machine learning,the rebar inspection module development. The BIM model was automatically matchedcompared with the 4D digital twin with features of point cloudtime sequence.
    • 5D Smart City─SmartES Platform

      FutureTech 5D Smart City─SmartES Platform

      NCREE has originally developed 5D digital space—on the basis of 3D city models and connections of different kinds of sensors around the world—is an online to offline virtual space with a combination of rising 5G technology advantages. Collecting and reorganizing various 3D cartographic data with Building Information Modeling (BIM), satellite imagery, UAV 3D modeling with high-resolution cameras, LiDar point cloud data, etc., can increase the diversity of the building and landscape to make the city more realistic. 5D+5G smart city platform speeds up all aspects of value-add applications of smart cities, including Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Smart Energy (SE), and Ambient Intelligent (AmI). We expect that the 5D smart city becomes the digital twin of a real city.
    • 自主巡航水下無人載具

      FutureTech 自主巡航水下無人載具

      The developed Unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) included 3-D modeling technology, wireless power transfer between sub-system in AUV, GPS underwater locate system, low complexity frequency domain on ocean floor analyze with AI network, underwater objects detection network, image dehaze network on groundunder water, underwater color correction network, underwater objects classification network, underwater optical characteristic algorithmLED color compensation system.
    • 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      Our core generated several types of transgenic micea stable humanized ACE2 mice using a combi-CRISPR genetic engineering technique. We hope these mouse models can help to dissect COVID-19 pathogenic mechanismthe interaction(s) between spike proteinACE2 K353.
    • Air/ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Air/ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model

      The Air/Ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model is established to provide a visual harvesting decision service on a cloud platform. Drones and mobile devices are employing to estimate grain moisture and forecast the variation of harvest moisture content (HMC) in the coming days by huge amounts of imagery data, deep learning algorithms, and weather forecasts. This model can benefit in several aspects, such as setting an accurate and comprehensive optimal harvest schedule, reducing the cost of agricultural apparatus and barn ovens, ensuring the rice quality, and maximizing farmers' benefits. The potential value of the model practice could be more than a billion in Taiwan.
    • 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      FutureTech 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) through the fund supportgovernance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collectionhave the same quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under well information security management. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network. In line with the needs of biotechnology pharmaceutical, artificial intelligence, auxiliary medicalother industries.
    • 多AI模型整合的導盲對話系統

      FutureTech 多AI模型整合的導盲對話系統

      The dialogue system is the main subsystem of the visually impaired navigation system, which provides destinations for the navigation system through multiple dialogues. We use the knowledge graph as the basis for reasoning. In terms of close-range navigation, deep learning technology is used to develop RGB camera detection depth algorithm, indoor semantic cutting algorithm, integrated detection depth estimationindoor semantic cutting in indoor obstacle avoidance, etc. The whole system uses the CellS software design framework to integrate distributed AIoT systems.
    • 腎纖維化剋星 - NSC828779 候選藥物開發

      FutureTech 腎纖維化剋星 - NSC828779 候選藥物開發

      We have successfully synthesized NSC828779, a new salicylanilide derivative,demonstrated that this new compound bears high efficiencylow toxicity on: [1] inhibiting renal fibrosismononuclear leukocytes infiltration[2] inhibiting IL-36α signaling, on renal fibrosis in a mouse renal fibrosis model. Importantly, we also owned [1] three approved material patents (US 8975255 B2 US 9162993 B2 I454445, Taiwan) [2] two indication patents [US 17/308,67, USPTO, USA,T2393-TW, NDMC, Taiwan, submitted) under review [3] technology transfer to Encommelt Medical Sciences llc.
    • 低功耗高性能AI神經網路之設計、加速及佈署

      FutureTech 低功耗高性能AI神經網路之設計、加速及佈署

      "We will demonstrate the following three technical achievements of our joint project: 1. Deployment of HarDNet on GPU (power consumption: 200 Watts) 2. Deployment of HarDNet on FPGA (power consumption: several tens of Watts) [winning 2nd place in the FPGA track, LPCVC 2020] 3. Deployment of HarDNet on lightweight edge devices such as Raspberry Pi (power consumption: single-digit, 10 Watts) [winning 3rd place in the DSP track4th place in the CPU track, LPCVC 2020]"
    • 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      FutureTech 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      Artificial intelligence 3D sensing image processing system based on array sensing Lidar aims to construct 3D image with high-quality immersion for AR/VR. The developed 3D scene recording system is based on the color camerahigh-accuracy chaotic LiDAR. The chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability within 100 meter in both indooroutdoor environments. High-performance embedded CNN processor supports high-throughput, high energy-efficient,low DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      High-accuracy 3D sensingAI image processing system for constructing high-quality immersion 3D image for AR/VR. Chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability. High-performance CNN processor supports high-performancelow DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)、Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS)

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)、Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS)

      After the publication of TEM PSHA2015. Updated version to the TEM PSHA2019, we considered updated seismogenic structure database, newly identified structure with 3D geometry, an earthquake catalog to 2016, state-of-the-art seismic models,site amplification factors. The ETAS (Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence) model aims to forecast the aftershocks from a large mainshock in real-timereduce its effectiveness.
    • 智慧急診即時決策支援系統:住院安排、停留時間、暨相似病歷取回之妥善化技術

      FutureTech 智慧急診即時決策支援系統:住院安排、停留時間、暨相似病歷取回之妥善化技術

      The core concept of the decision support system is to establish machine learning-based predictive modelsenable their interpretability to support physicians making clinical decisions in practice. The developed technique is part of the capstone project named "Smart Emergency Department," sponsored by the Ministry of ScienceTechnology. The system comprises NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital) EMR (Electronic Medical Record) importance analysis, accurate clinical quality indicator prediction,similar medical record retrieval. It is expected to improve the patients' flowalleviate emergency department crowding. It has been verified in retrospective studieswill officially enter the clinical trial phase this year.
    • AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      FutureTech AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      The AR-assisted endoscopic navigation system for brain surgery combines CT/MRI images, 3D cerebrovascular/nerve models,endoscopic images for surgical planningnavigation. AR glasses can display the 3D navigation inside the patient's skull, providing surgeons with intuitive 3D surgical navigation. In addition, the cerebrovascular/nerve model is also superimposed on the endoscopic image, allowing the surgeon to predict the upcoming surgical situation. The AR display endoscopic images can be simultaneously transmitted to the remote site for assistance through 5G communication.
    • Visualization of brain connectomics: all-optical volumetric imaging/stimulation and spiking neural circuit models

      FutureTech Visualization of brain connectomics: all-optical volumetric imaging/stimulation and spiking neural circuit models

      Constructing a functional connectome and its computational model is a crucial step toward understanding the mechanisms of brain functions. To achieve this goal, we developed two correlated technologies: (1) An all-optical physiology (AOP) that is capable of millisecond volumetric imaging and accurate stimulation in living animal brains. This system allows us to establish functional connectome and neural coding with a single-cell resolution. (2) A cellular-level spiking neural circuit simulation system that is capable of tuning itself based on the input data from the AOP system. We have demonstrated our technologies in the Drosophila late visual system and will apply them in the brains of larger species such as mice. Our technologies will greatly enhance knowledge of brain operation.