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    • 循環腫瘤細胞預濃縮晶片

      FutureTech 循環腫瘤細胞預濃縮晶片

      We designed a cascade spiral microfluidic device (i-Finity®)continuously isolated the unlabeled cancer cells from blood samples without lysing processes. The results showed that the i-Finity® device excluded a high percentage of RBCs in the first stagerecollected the cancer cells in the second stage. The i-Finity® device can efficiently enrich the cancer cells more than 1000 times in 10 minutes, which substantially curtailed sample preparation timeimproved the accuracy of diagnosis.
    • 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Lung-on-minilab is designed as a tool for personalized healthcarewill contribute in precision medicine. Here, the tumor microenvironment was reconstituted using liquid dielectrophoresisarranged as lung tissue. The size of pattern can be customized as stages of cancer. Additionally, this chip was equipped a gradient microfluidic channel which enabled testing combination of medications. This is the first device where chemotherapyimmunotherapy medications can be tested together. This will improve the screening timeserve as an alternative for patients in therapeutic try.
    • A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Here, we introduce an electricity-free centrifuge platform based on a manual centrifuge. The provided centrifugal force is sufficient to produce a plasma purity of 99 separated in as little as 2−3 min. We then performed an immunoassay on a paper devicethe results were observed by a portable reader. As a result, the detection limit of the C-Reactive Protein is 1 ng/mL, with a total turnaround time of 7 min.
    • Microfluidic motile sperm separation sorter

      Medical Devices FutureTech Microfluidic motile sperm separation sorter

      The microfluidic chips have been used to sort human motile sperms based on the phenomena of laminar flow. The sorted sperms would be fertilized to form the embryo by using in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The prototype of chips have been developed in the lab under National Tsing Hua University. Furthermore, the mass production has been conducted by Ritek to accomplish the disposable chips
    • 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      FutureTech 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      A microfluidic diffraction device is developed for determination of CTC/bacteria from human whole blood with a home-constructed laser beam system. We design the optical structuretransfer the structure to transparent plastic substrate. The plastic diffraction die is modified with antibodies of the target to combine a fluidic system as a microfluidic diffraction chip. When human whole blood with CTCs/bacteria flows through the chip, the number of cells/bacteria can be obtained directly with label-free. The devices has been applied in clinical diagnosis of oesophagealendometrial cancer.
    • Ultra-Efficient Microfluidic Sperm Sorter

      Medical Devices FutureTech Ultra-Efficient Microfluidic Sperm Sorter

      We developed a new type of microfluidic chip with utilizing the characteristic of sperm anadromous instinct for high-throughput sperm separation. The process can be finished in 10 min, which is 10 times faster than the conventional design. Experiment reveals that the qualified sperm motility was raised up from 30 to 99linearity (LIN) up from 0.2 to 0.85 via sorting by our microfluidic chip.
    • 精子快篩晶片

      FutureTech 精子快篩晶片

      Infertility is a serious globe issue, especially in the developed countries, over 20%infertile male has sperm problems, that include instance immotile, abnormal morphology and low sperm quantity. Therefore, how to isolate high quality sperm for clinical use is extremely required. Up to date, activity sperm sorting is usually using Swiming-up and Density gradient centrifugation approaches. Unfortunately, both methods are detrimental to the sperm viability and elicits production of reactive oxygen species. Separation sperm by microfluidics has been put emphasis on and studied; however, it faced some challenge such as low throughput and an unacceptable recover rate.

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo SPERM SORTER AND SPERM SORTING METHOD

      The present sperm sorting chip utilities the upstream swim characteristic of sperms in appropriate fluid velocity to achieve up to 80 high motility sperm yield for infertile males in just 40 minutes
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