
Technical category
    • Ultrasonic toolholder module

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Ultrasonic toolholder module

      The ULTRASONIC technologythe Non-contact power transmission technology offers high qualityefficient machining for ceramicother brittle materials. Depending on the workpiece requirements, our product allows higher feedinfeed, which increases machining efficiency for at least 30, longer tool lifesignificantly better surface finishes.
    • The Study of Chips Characteristics on Tool Life Influence

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo The Study of Chips Characteristics on Tool Life Influence

      In the machining, the cutting between the toolthe material produces chips. Cutting parameterstool wear can affect the colorshape of the chips. According to the observer's experience, the cutting conditions for chip formation can be known. It means that using cutting chips to decide wear of cutting tools is theoretically a feasible method.
    • A high value-added invention on powdered machining equipment for fish bone/scale

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo A high value-added invention on powdered machining equipment for fish bone/scale

      This invention targets at value-added increase for fish bone/scale by-products through a series of manufacturing units of steaming, pressure/ temperature,drying. The core design of pressure/temperature in terms of powdered machining equipment consists of a high pressure chamber, heating components, superheated steam,operations experiments as well.
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