
Technical category
  • 共有:3筆資料
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    • Zero Contact Detection-Facial Stroke, Heart Rate and Breath Detection Technology

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Zero Contact Detection-Facial Stroke, Heart Rate and Breath Detection Technology

      We use features such as asymmetric expression and crooked eyes to assess the risk of facial stroke. Observing the micro vibration of the head caused by the contraction of the heart, and develop a zero-contact facial heart rate and respiration rate detection technology in conjunction with the camera. The technology can accurately measure heart rate and respiration rate in real time, thereby reducing the risk of infection. This technology has obtained two ROC patents (M590433, I689285), two US patents (HEART RATE DETECTION METHOD AND DEVICE THEREOF,MOUTH AND NOSE OCCLUDED DETECTING METHOD AND SYSTEM THEREOF). The possibility of detecting strokes through AI machine learning methods is not only accurate, but also find out signs of stroke early to grasp the best time to seek medical treatment.
    • 智慧穿戴式孕婦照護與警示裝置

      FutureTech 智慧穿戴式孕婦照護與警示裝置

      Innovative wearable monitoring device for pregnant women can record the signals of contractions, fetal movement,fetal heart rate in real time. With AI intelligent classificationsequential analysis technology, it can link the difficult-to-classify GTC signal patterns with the possibility of fetal distress Finally, the position, sizeduration of fetal movement are further estimated to provide accurate follow-up clinical analysis. It allows pregnant women to monitor the relevant physiological parameters at any time at home to avoid the troublesworries caused by the risk of nosocomial infection of pregnant women.
    • Flexible PPG sensor patch

      Medical Devices FutureTech Flexible PPG sensor patch

      A flexible PPG sensor patch for measuring pulsations of blood vessels estimating ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The measured quality PPG signals are analyzed to estimate blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), blood oxygen (SpO2)atrial fibrillation (A-Fib)avoid motion artifacts. In this way, with subject’s physiological condition apprehended accurately.
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