
Technical category
    • Thermoelectric Ever-Charge Portable Charger

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Thermoelectric Ever-Charge Portable Charger

      This technology develop a “Thermoelectric Ever-Charge Portable Charger” for the applications in auxiliary charging of consumer electronicsfast self-charging for outdoor sensors. Technically, a sputtering depositiona semiconductor photolithography technique are combined to fabricate p-n materialsconnection procedures. The thermoelectric performance of the device is further optimized through a low-temperature heat treatment.
    • 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Lung-on-minilab is designed as a tool for personalized healthcarewill contribute in precision medicine. Here, the tumor microenvironment was reconstituted using liquid dielectrophoresisarranged as lung tissue. The size of pattern can be customized as stages of cancer. Additionally, this chip was equipped a gradient microfluidic channel which enabled testing combination of medications. This is the first device where chemotherapyimmunotherapy medications can be tested together. This will improve the screening timeserve as an alternative for patients in therapeutic try.
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