
Technical category
    • Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Embedded Smart Textile Arrays Display Module

      National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) announces the latest approach“embedded smart textiles arrays display module” (ESTAD module) . The ESTAD module involves twoparts,one is circuitthe other is control box. The circuit is to attach the fabric seamlessly,this could be twistedrubbed to fit various design. The control box is designed smaller than the current form to put in the pocketsomewhere hidden in the potential application.
    • 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      FutureTech 紡織品柔性電路製程及穿戴聯網技術

      "The SPC process technology developed by our team has a patented cloth surface treatmentmultiple layers of conductive circuit layers (Layout) without etchingtransfer printing processes. It can not only be continuously automated production (piece to piece), but also Environmental protection, in line with the green trend of cleaner production. Features: 1. E-textiles 2. Twistable 3. Folded (0-180 degree angle) 4. Cleaning 5. Customized"
    • Rollable and soft photonic meta-device

      FutureTech Rollable and soft photonic meta-device

      With the development of photonics, there has been a push towards optoelectronic devices that are flexible, rollable, wearable, user-friendly, and robust to improve human-machine interfaces. To be integrated onto human body, these devices must be biocompatible and be able to withstand mechanical deformation and different bending curvatures. Figure 1 shows the rollable and soft photonic meta-device.
    • Highly Efficient Fabrication and Applications of Bioinspired Flexible Photonic Crystals by Trapping of Structural Coloration

      FutureTech Highly Efficient Fabrication and Applications of Bioinspired Flexible Photonic Crystals by Trapping of Structural Coloration

      Rapid fabrication of network-structured amphiphilic block copolymer photonic crystal films could be accomplished by the facile spin-casting process. By immersing into alcohols, the swollen network could give rise to the visible structural coloration. Unlike the disappearance of the visible reflection in the lamellar film, the network structure could trap the visible structural coloration by vitrification of the network after drying, namely, trapping of structural coloration (TOSC). With further control of diffusive distance and diffusivity, full-visible-wavelength structural colorations are obtained. This TOSC is reversible and responsive with heat. By TOSC, we firstly fabricate the flexible copolymer photonic crystal featuring tunable and reversible structural colorations in solid state.
    • 可撓式滴水發電隨身電源

      FutureTech 可撓式滴水發電隨身電源

      Our team has developed a layer-by-layer hydrophilic membrane (LHM) as the “bendable water-enabled portable power banks”. It is bendable, cost-effective, lightweight, environmental-friendly,high-efficient. Moreover, it could achieve high-voltage (~0.8 V), high-current (~80 μA)long-lasting (4 hr) power output by dropping a few drops of DI water (or electrolyte solutions), which can be described as a "black technology" towards green clean energy.
    • 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Devices with physical flexibilitystretchability have attracted a great deal of interest for use in wearable electronic technologylarge-area electronics, including displays, energy harvesters, energy storage devices, distributed sensor networks,Internet of Things applications. The present invention relates to methods for growingtransferring single-crystal III-nitride nanorodstwo dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDs) nanostructures,devices having the transferred nanostructures for flexible device, microLED,3DIC fabrications.
    • 高容量高安全性硫化物系固態鋰離子電池

      FutureTech 高容量高安全性硫化物系固態鋰離子電池

      The aim of this study was to develop of high safety, high performance sulfide-based all-solid-state Li-ion battery (ASSLIB). The ASSLIB composes of a flexible, high ionic conductive,moisture insensitive sulfide-based solid-state electrolyte (SSE) film, Si/C composite anode material with self-healing polymer binder, high capacity LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NMC811) composite cathode,garnet-in-polymer solid composite interlayer to prevent decomposition of sulfide-based SSE with electrode materials.
    • 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      FutureTech 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      Migraine patients account for about 640 million people (15) in the world,about 1.75 million (9.1) in Taiwan. Our team had developed a wearable brain-computer interface system with the newly developed graphene dry electrodeadaptive noise subspace reconstruction technology. This system combined the physiological indicators before migraine attacksuses AI technology to build an intelligent migraine early warning system,combined BrainSTIM electrical stimulation technology to assist migraine patients.
    • 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      FutureTech 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      Using the concept of bionicscircular economy to develop low-costhigh -performance flexible electrodesionic liquid polyelectrolytes for all solid-state flexible supercapacitors. This type of flexible electrode has excellent dimensional stabilityelectrochemical characteristics. The gel-state polyelectrolytes can be used with metal oxide electrodes to provide high scalability, low cost,high efficiency at high temperatures.
    • 新世代太陽能電池之阻水氣封裝膜技術開發

      FutureTech 新世代太陽能電池之阻水氣封裝膜技術開發

      The organic layerorganic-inorganic multi-layers deposited on the packaging substrate to achieve the ultra-high water barrier performance, lower than 10e-5 (g/m2/day). This technology can apply to all flexable electronic devices. The fabrication in this team evolved from batch-to-batch process in the 1st year to tray-to-tray process in the 3rd year. The roll-to-roll wet processin-line dry process are constructed in the 5th yearready for commercialization.
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