
Technical category
    • Multi-functional bio-sensor chip

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo Multi-functional bio-sensor chip

      The developed multi-functional bio-sensor chip has the advantages of excellent detection performance, wide application,low mass production. At present, we have already cooperated with upstreamdownstream manufacturers for mass production of the multifunctional bio-sensor chips. At the same time, cooperate with the instrument manufacturer to develop a simple portable electrochemical detect
    • 基於深度學習之異常檢測

      FutureTech 基於深度學習之異常檢測

      "For video anomaly detection, we apply pretrained models to obtain the foregroundthe optical flow as ground truth. Then our model estimates the information by taking only a single frame as input. For human behaviors, we take the human poses as inputuse a GCN-based model to predict the future poses. Both the anomaly scores of these two works are given by the error of the estimation. For defect detection, our model takes patches of the image as inputlearns to extract features. The anomaly score of each patch is given by the distance between the patchall the training patches."
    • Extreme small object identification for UAV monitoring

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo Extreme small object identification for UAV monitoring

      We develop the new neural network architecture to improve execution speedaccuracy. The result shows that our AI detection system can run on a microcomputer in real-time, meanwhile its accuracy 90. We put that microcomputer on a dronereturn the result to smartphone App in real-time.
    • 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      FutureTech 用於環境水質檢測與農作物之新穎重金屬生物感應器

      We developedoptimized a FRET-based genetically-encoded biosensor Met-lead with high sensitivity 10nM (0.2μg/dL, 2ppb) to fit the related regulations: the safety value of blood lead level for children 3μg/dLWHO-permitted level for tap water 10ppb. We further built a portable smart-phone device to measure Pb on-site. The practical applications of portable Met-lead can fulfill the needs from blood/urine Pb detection to drinking water/environmental irrigation water Pb monitoring, it will also help to build up a warning system to prevent further contamination from heavy metal Pb.
    • Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      EPICAn is a novel technique that uses liquid biopsy for epigenetic analysis. Using methylation-specific PCR method to analyze specific gene methylation of cell-free DNA in plasma for early detection of breast cancer. The advantages of this technology are 1. High accuracy 2. Low false positive rate 3. Low-invasive 4. less limitation 5. Available for routine continuous detection 6. Monitoring cancer changes 7. Aided diagnosis 8. Automated process 9. Easy-to-operate 10. Rapid analysis. It is expected that EPICAn technique can increase the accuracy of early detection of breast canceraid clinicians diagnosis.
    • Zero Contact Detection-Facial Stroke, Heart Rate and Breath Detection Technology

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Zero Contact Detection-Facial Stroke, Heart Rate and Breath Detection Technology

      We use features such as asymmetric expression and crooked eyes to assess the risk of facial stroke. Observing the micro vibration of the head caused by the contraction of the heart, and develop a zero-contact facial heart rate and respiration rate detection technology in conjunction with the camera. The technology can accurately measure heart rate and respiration rate in real time, thereby reducing the risk of infection. This technology has obtained two ROC patents (M590433, I689285), two US patents (HEART RATE DETECTION METHOD AND DEVICE THEREOF,MOUTH AND NOSE OCCLUDED DETECTING METHOD AND SYSTEM THEREOF). The possibility of detecting strokes through AI machine learning methods is not only accurate, but also find out signs of stroke early to grasp the best time to seek medical treatment.
    • 基於深度學習的光刻電路失真預測,光罩修正及新穎布局圖樣偵測的設計自動化技術

      FutureTech 基於深度學習的光刻電路失真預測,光罩修正及新穎布局圖樣偵測的設計自動化技術

      The DNN models of this technology include a LithoNet, an OPCNet,a layout novelty detection network. LithoNet is a learning-based pre-simulation model for layout-to-SEM contour prediction,OPCnet is a dual network of LithoNet for photomask optimization. Integrated with a well-trained LithoNet, our layout novelty detection network, consisting of a self-attention guided LithoNetan autoencoder, can check if there are layout patterns easily resulting in local distortions in contours of metal lines based on multi-modal (global-local) feature fusion.
    • 以工興藝-科技文保聯用技術

      FutureTech 以工興藝-科技文保聯用技術

      "a.The Digital ArchivingConservation System of Cultural Relics combines various imaging techniques like catoptric imaging, 3D renderingmulti-spectral imaging, which provides multiple scientific images data for the inspection of cultural relics. b.Environment Detection System allows controlling the environmental device from a far distance."
    • 零接觸式人工智慧心房顫動風險偵測

      FutureTech 零接觸式人工智慧心房顫動風險偵測

      The principle of the image-based AFib discriminating system is based on the consistency that irregular cardiac cycles can both be detected on the waveforms of electrocardiographyrPPG. The quantity of the blood varies from time to time is captured by a general camera. Signals from RGB channels are then synthesized through the core algorithm to eliminate noisegenerate stable rPPG signals. The processed signals are then classified as AFibnot by a sample-size model. According to the IRB evaluation in En Chu Kong Hospital, the AFib can be well detected with an accuracy of 97.1.
    • 基於互動感知的自動化物件偵測學習

      FutureTech 基於互動感知的自動化物件偵測學習

      Inspired by the human nature that a child can learn by taking an objectthen observing it, we proposed two novel methods: (1) Object Detection by Interactive Perception (ODIP), where a few-shot object detector gradually learns unseen instances by interacting with a well-developed object grasping system, collecting required visual dataannotations in an automatic manner. (2) an efficienteffective few-shot object detection model with novel attention mechanism called Dual-Awareness Attention (DAnA).
    • A Fall Detection System based on AI Edge Computing Technique

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo A Fall Detection System based on AI Edge Computing Technique

      In order to solve the undiscovered problem that caused by the fall ofelders, we develop a deep learning based systemnamed it 「SkyEye」,which includes our own sensor 「AI Falling Image Sensor」, a cloud sever that storespushes information about fall eventsa mobile app that communicates with users.
    • Intelligent Scalp Detection System

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Intelligent Scalp Detection System

      This system uses the innovative AIoT application to target annoying scalp maintenance problemsdevelops an intelligent scalp detectionmanagement system. The core of the technology is to use deep learning-based object detection models. Tens of thousands of microscopic image data sets that are labeledtrained for scalp symptoms. As a result, the scalp image recognition module is develop, such as dandruff, hair loss, oil, and inflammation, etc. Hence this system can provide scalp detection, and maintenance effectiveness tracking functions lead scalp maintenance services to a new level of intelligent management.
    • 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      FutureTech 可攜式液相層析質譜儀

      We based on ion trap for mass filter so that ultra-high vacuum is not needed to reduce the weightsize. We took frequency scanning to increase our mass range by 10,000,000,000. We used LED as LC detector to reduce sizecost. Therefore, we not only made a portable device but also a device with many special advantages in technology. An advanced analytical lab can become mobile to easily reach anywhere which needs in-situreal-time analysis by our inventions.
    • To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo To develop a Guidance Robot for Blind based on image processingdeep learning

      This theme is designed to implement the robot's appearancepractical functions. Apply PSPNet to detect the walkable planeYolo to detect obstacles, so that the robot has the autonomous obstacle avoidance function, informing more information about the environmental obstacles around the visually impaired,apply CNN to locate indoor position with self-built indoor database.
    • Artificial Intelligence for Customs Fraud Detection

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Artificial Intelligence for Customs Fraud Detection

      With the astronomically growing trade flows, customs administrations need effective and explainable methods to detect suspicious transactions. This project presents a novel artificial intelligence-based model named DATE that ranks trade flows in the order of fraud risk and to maximize customs revenue. We confirm the superiority of DATE over state-of-the-art AI models, with a remarkable precision of 92.7% on illegal cases and a recall of 49.3% on revenue after inspecting only 1% of all trade flows. Predictions of DATE are also interpretable from the attention mechanism. We are deploying DATE in Nigeria and Malawi Customs Services, in collaboration with the World Customs Organization (WCO). DATE has been published in ACM KDD 2020, which is an AI top conference.
    • 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      FutureTech 快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片

      A phosphate-sensing chip was constructed by a copper phosphate-deposited electrode. The modification of ionic liquidplasticizer can improve the selectivity of phosphate anionsreduce the interference of sulfate, nitratechloride anions. The sensing chip equipped with a portable electrochemical device can directly detect the phosphate concentration of solution extracted from soil samples in ten minutes by using amperometry. The sensing chip promises the feasibility of detecting the phosphate concentration without expensive instrumentlabor-intensively chemical colorimetry.
    • 利用機器學習分析惡意流量特徵

      FutureTech 利用機器學習分析惡意流量特徵

      The network technology plays an important role in the industrial control systems (ICS)then has become the target of cyber-attackers. For industrial internet-of-things (IIoT) applications with limited computing resources, designing an effective NIDS is challenging. A compacteffective NIDS for IIoT is proposedvalidated by using the more recent UNSW-NB 15 dataset to improve the detection capability against new types of attacks in the real world. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better performance than previous methods.
    • 4G/5G多媒體系統之資安弱點檢測與威脅防護

      FutureTech 4G/5G多媒體系統之資安弱點檢測與威脅防護

      We develop a vulnerability detection module to identify three important security vulnerabilities in the IMS system that supports 4G/5G multimedia services. We have validated them in 4 carriers from TaiwanU.S. using smartphones from 7 brands,shown that they can be exploited to launch a stealthy call DoS attack, a social engineering attack with ghost calls,a call ID spoofing attack. Moreover, attackers can detect attackable users using an AI technique with only the users' phone numbers. We finally propose solutionsdevelop an AI-based technique of call ID spoofing detection.
    • Mobile Magnetic Survey System

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Mobile Magnetic Survey System

        Mobile Magnetic Survey System is composed of 20 precisesensitive magnetic detector arrays, which are used for measuring the 3D magnetic fields. With the LiDAR positioning systemattitude rotation, the magnetic vector field can analyze the magnetic field intensity at different positions. In addition, the visualized map can help users to evaluate the metal body locationdepth.
    • Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Water Quality Monitoring Using Nanomaterials Immobilized Paper and a Flow Controllable Microfluidic Device

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Water Quality Monitoring Using Nanomaterials Immobilized Paper and a Flow Controllable Microfluidic Device

      Here we present a portable microfluidic device that can perform immunoassay for infectious disease diagnosis or detect heavy metal ions in water samples. The device is composed of two major components: nanomaterials modified paper-based detection platform and semi-automated flow manipulator. A reusable 3D-printed device is used to hold a disposable detection pad that modified with functional nanomaterials for water quality monitoring or antibodies for disease diagnosis. Besides, the use of spring-containing 3D-printed syringes manipulates a large-volume sample without manual actuation. Meanwhile, by controlling the flow rate via the linked flow regulator at the syringe outlet, solutions can react stably with the paper platform, which provides detection and pre-concentration effects.
    • 當代病毒防衛技術平台:SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM 快篩試劑

      FutureTech 當代病毒防衛技術平台:SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM 快篩試劑

      SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test has high detection sensitivity, which can provide rapid detection of early COVID-19 infection. This SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test can detect whether there are IgM antibodies produced in the early stage of infection (within 7 days of symptoms onset) with one drop of the specimen (serumfingertip blood) in 15 minutes by naked eyes compared with LFIA antibody rapid test. It is worth noting that the SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test can accurately detect the patients with positive infection within 7 days of the onset of symptoms compared with LFIA.
    • 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      FutureTech 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      Based on deep learning camera/radar object detectiontracking technology, the proposed road side unit (RSU) system has achieved over 95 vehicle detection accuracy within 100m detection range in the processing performance of 10fps under nVidia Jetson Xavier platform. Compared to the 32-beam lidar based RSU, the proposed RSU achieves 97 reduction of sensor cost that exhibits high competitiveness in deployment cost. The proposed RSU system has been verified in fieldswe are now cooperating with an industry partner to deploy the RSU system in both TainanTao-Yuan cities.
    • Real time wireless diagnostic system

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Real time wireless diagnostic system

      "PressureDOT team will develop the first intra-abdominal pressure monitoringlocalization micro internet device of things, to integrate into critical care vital sign monitoring systemtake care of the critical patients. This will ensure our role in the marketset up market barrier in this type of medical devices. With this platform, we can collect the continuous physical signal from c
    • 川崎症光學即時檢測方法及裝置

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 川崎症光學即時檢測方法及裝置

      Swelling at the extremities of the extremities is quite common in KD,it is one of the five major diagnostic criteria for KD. According to the results of our research, about 90 of the children will have this symptomis the most important symptoms of KD suggested by American Heart Association. Our research also found that albumin decreased,the degree of reduction is obviously positively related to the severity of the disease, so we have developed a theory that can detect water, hemethe optical method of oxygen. Provides a non-intrusive method for quick differentiation.
    • 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      FutureTech 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      PANCREASaver contains a “PC automatic segmentation model” (image segmentation)a “PC analysis AI model” (image classification) that can read the DICOM format of postcontrast CT images directly for the automatic analysis process. After conducting prep-processing with image processing algorithms, C2FNAS is employed to illustrate the tumor position prior to the diagnosis conducted by CNN. The results can be provided to the physician for diagnostic reference so as to reduce early omissionsincrease the detection rate of pancreatic cancer.
    • Highly Efficient Fabrication and Applications of Bioinspired Flexible Photonic Crystals by Trapping of Structural Coloration

      FutureTech Highly Efficient Fabrication and Applications of Bioinspired Flexible Photonic Crystals by Trapping of Structural Coloration

      Rapid fabrication of network-structured amphiphilic block copolymer photonic crystal films could be accomplished by the facile spin-casting process. By immersing into alcohols, the swollen network could give rise to the visible structural coloration. Unlike the disappearance of the visible reflection in the lamellar film, the network structure could trap the visible structural coloration by vitrification of the network after drying, namely, trapping of structural coloration (TOSC). With further control of diffusive distance and diffusivity, full-visible-wavelength structural colorations are obtained. This TOSC is reversible and responsive with heat. By TOSC, we firstly fabricate the flexible copolymer photonic crystal featuring tunable and reversible structural colorations in solid state.
    • 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      FutureTech 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      "1.Background: The deterioration of lithium batteries leads to safetycost issues. Ultrasonic detection has the advantages of cost, size,immediacy. 2.Detection: Under the control environment, the ultrasonic signal is actuated on each part of the battery,the reflectedtransmitted wave is collected. 3.Analysis: It has methods such as spectrum, image,DL to evaluate the SoH, the distribution of degradation types,the location of faulty cells in the battery module. 4.Theory: Use the acoustic properties of the battery with software simulation to verify the measured data."