
Technical category
  • 共有:31筆資料
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    • Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      The present invention discloses the germplasm bank of medicinal coral producing new targeted anti-cancer agent and their aquaculture technology platform. The medicinal corals are collected in Kenting, located at the southern tip of Taiwan. In response to the unmet medical needs of new anti-cancer drugs, our research results will provide more diverse types of new drug targets and lead compounds in the "new drug development-new drug discovery and exploration period".
    • 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      FutureTech 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      The RL model develops a control policy directly from experience to predict statesrewards during a learning procedure. Hence, we designed a medical image environment including US images, different actions,rewards, agent learns in this environment to extract the ALN regionevaluates the status. The performance of our proposed method achieves an accuracy of 83.6, a sensitivity of 88.6,a specificity of 89.0.
    • A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      This technology is a development drug lead aiming to meet the medical needs of patients with small cell lung cancer. Through disturbing MYC-Aurora A interaction and inducing degradation of MYC oncoprotein, this bioavailable kinase inhibitor could serve as a potential treatment entity for SCLC.
    • 循環腫瘤細胞預濃縮晶片

      FutureTech 循環腫瘤細胞預濃縮晶片

      We designed a cascade spiral microfluidic device (i-Finity®)continuously isolated the unlabeled cancer cells from blood samples without lysing processes. The results showed that the i-Finity® device excluded a high percentage of RBCs in the first stagerecollected the cancer cells in the second stage. The i-Finity® device can efficiently enrich the cancer cells more than 1000 times in 10 minutes, which substantially curtailed sample preparation timeimproved the accuracy of diagnosis.
    • 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Cancer is the first leading cause of death in Taiwan. Targeted therapy allows the cancer cells to be specifically targeted, reduces the side effects,achieves the purpose of precision cancer treatment. This report contains two invention technologies which combined early & specific diagnosis of a specific Aurora-A mRNA isoform in cancers (the companion diagnosis)the treated with a selective locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified novel double-stranded short interfering nucleic acid (siRNA) to inhibit the translation of this Aurora-A mRNA isoform (targeted therapy) in cancers.
    • 婦科疾病及癌症體外快速檢測技術

      FutureTech 婦科疾病及癌症體外快速檢測技術

      Endometriosis is a serious gynecological disease with a global incidence of 10. This disease will have a serious impact on women’s daily lives, including severe abdominal pain, massive organ bleeding, sexual behavior difficulties, infertility,even high-risk cancer progression. We discover that the karyotype variation of ribosomes is closely related to the deterioration of endometriosis. We collaborate with Hospital on human clinical trials to develop in vitro diagnostic devices that can screen early stage of Endometriosis. It can avoid unnecessary riskscosts of discovering diseases.
    • 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      FutureTech 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      Nanopharmaterial is a term by combining pharmaceuticalmaterial via nanotechnology. Here we demonstrate this concept by developing a novel nanopharmaterial, so called 177Lu-Gold nanostar (AuNS). 177Lu is a therapeutic radionuclide emitting moderate-energy beta particles as well as gamma rays for SPECT/CT-based imaging diagnosis. Nanostar can target tumors by enhanced permeability retention (EPR) effectsowns the photothermal therapeutic potent. The core technology is to integrate radionuclidenanomaterial to perform a new radio-nanopharmaterial for tumor target theranostic purpose.
    • 癌症檢測之磁電化學物聯網傳感系統

      FutureTech 癌症檢測之磁電化學物聯網傳感系統

      The innovative technology is based on the unique biomimetic material, including immunomagnetic nanoparticlesa portable IoT detection device, promoting the detection speed, accuracy,precision of the target molecule. Featuring with the excellent ability of minimizing the non-specific binding, this technology decreases false negative/false positive successfully. The device combines IoTAI module for statisticscalculation on the cloud for building up a magneto-electrochemical IoT sensing system for the integrated isolationprofiling of extracellular vesicles from plasma.
    • 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      FutureTech 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      The key technology of Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PDTS) is to create an in-vitro patient tumor microenvironmenttumor-like properties, furthermore, predict various cancer antidrug effectiveness to each patient via the high-throughputhigh-quality cell viability detectionbiomarker analysis. Therefore, this project established several technologies including extracellular matrix fabrication, bioink design, cell population identification,tumor physiological environment for the upon goal.
    • 運用人工智慧技術建構胸腔X光影像偵測早期肺癌病灶模型

      FutureTech 運用人工智慧技術建構胸腔X光影像偵測早期肺癌病灶模型

      With the rise in computing power, deep-learning based computer-aided diagnosis systems have gained interest in the research community. Our system process the images to assist doctors to determine whether the patients have nodules in lungs. Meanwhile, we utilized the Feature Pyramid Network to extend the receptive field on the convolutional kernel, which improved the performance on the nodule detection with various locations in CXR. The semi-supervised learning mechanism also achieves the way of soft-annotation to reduce human effort in medical image annotation.
    • 子宮內膜癌安蓓甲基化基因檢測

      FutureTech 子宮內膜癌安蓓甲基化基因檢測

      The MPap DNA Methylation Test is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for endometrial cancer detection. For women atover 40 years of age with abnormal uterine bleeding, the methylation status of BHLHE22CDO1 genes from conventional Pap smear, can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis of endometrial cancer. The test result provides an important triage for further invasive endometrial biopsy, which will substantially reduce the need of invasive proceduresincrease the feasibility of endometrial cancer screening in high risk populations. This is a ground breaking test.
    • 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      FutureTech 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) through the fund supportgovernance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collectionhave the same quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under well information security management. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network. In line with the needs of biotechnology pharmaceutical, artificial intelligence, auxiliary medicalother industries.
    • 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      FutureTech 微流道繞射晶片搭配雷射系統高速準確計數全血中循環腫瘤細胞/細菌

      A microfluidic diffraction device is developed for determination of CTC/bacteria from human whole blood with a home-constructed laser beam system. We design the optical structuretransfer the structure to transparent plastic substrate. The plastic diffraction die is modified with antibodies of the target to combine a fluidic system as a microfluidic diffraction chip. When human whole blood with CTCs/bacteria flows through the chip, the number of cells/bacteria can be obtained directly with label-free. The devices has been applied in clinical diagnosis of oesophagealendometrial cancer.
    • 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      FutureTech 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      Gene delivery technology is widely used in cell therapy, nucleic acid-based vaccines, protein production, gene therapy, etc. We have developed a non-viral gene delivery technology-MPGene, which has excellent gene delivery efficiency (50-80) for human mesenchymal stem cells,also has the characteristics of low production costhigh safety. In the future, MPGene has the potential to be used in important biomedical fields such as gene delivery reagents, major trauma cell therapy, malignant tumor treatmentcartilage cell therapy.
    • Harmoscope

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Harmoscope

      Harmoscope is a virtual biopsy technology for dermatology. The superior performances of in vivo Harmoscope has been clinically validated by NTU hospital for 14 years, with the deepest penetration, super-resolution,the highest contrast all at the same time. Without imaging processinglabeling, Harmoscope raw images provide the same level of resolutioninformation as the time-consuming gold standard H&E histopathology, allowing dermatologists and pathologists to grade and classify various skin lesions for immediate therapeutic decision without physical biopsy. This award-winning technology will release the saturated loading of skin biopsy examination, greatly improve the quality of point of care, while providing a trauma-free real-time alternative for skin lesion patients.
    • 人工智慧輔助篩查(子宮頸上皮細胞癌)系統

      FutureTech 人工智慧輔助篩查(子宮頸上皮細胞癌)系統

      This system provides multiple functions for digital slides, allowing users to complete all tasks without switching between different software systems. The functions include, Project management, Image management, Annotation, Zoon In / Zoom Out view, Navigation view, Category shortcuts, Authority management,Annotation overview.
    • Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      EPICAn is a novel technique that uses liquid biopsy for epigenetic analysis. Using methylation-specific PCR method to analyze specific gene methylation of cell-free DNA in plasma for early detection of breast cancer. The advantages of this technology are 1. High accuracy 2. Low false positive rate 3. Low-invasive 4. less limitation 5. Available for routine continuous detection 6. Monitoring cancer changes 7. Aided diagnosis 8. Automated process 9. Easy-to-operate 10. Rapid analysis. It is expected that EPICAn technique can increase the accuracy of early detection of breast canceraid clinicians diagnosis.
    • 順應式同步多頻率擴散光學斷層造影系統

      FutureTech 順應式同步多頻率擴散光學斷層造影系統

      This breaking-through technology aims at designingconstructing a compliant prone-type ring-scanning inspection platform incorporated with a simultaneous multi-frequency driving NIR light source to complete a diffuse optical imaging system. The realized system has two features superior to other counterpart imaging equipments: (i) compliant flexible optical channels to collect optical information,(ii) simultaneous multiple frequency driving light source. It brings the benefits to improve the accuracy of reconstructed imagesshorten examination time for test subjects.
    • Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Effectively inducing cytotoxic T cell expansion has been a critical challenge in vaccine development. To address this challenge, an entirely biodegradable polymeric nanoshell was invented to couple antigensadjuvants for safepotent immune potentiation. The invention has been adopted for precision anticancer vaccine, broadly reactive influenza vaccine,an effective vaccine MERS-CoV.
    • 抗癌小分子新藥之臨床前開發與精準治療策略

      FutureTech 抗癌小分子新藥之臨床前開發與精準治療策略

      MPT0G211 is a highly selective HDAC6 inhibitor, with comprehensive IP protection. MPT0G211 is mainly focused on multiple myelomabrain tumor indications. For IND package, we have completed CMC in drug substance, CMC in drug product, ADME,most preclinical toxicology studies, only the 28-days repeated dose toxicology study in dog is left. Once the 28-day repeated dose toxicology study in dog is completed, the IND package will be filed in the United StatesTaiwan in Q2 2022.
    • 利用先進製程提升臨床腦神經外科醫師訓練品質-仿生腦模擬器

      FutureTech 利用先進製程提升臨床腦神經外科醫師訓練品質-仿生腦模擬器

      To train neurosurgery internsincrease their confidencesurgical skills, we employed 3D printing, mold design,casting technology to develop medical simulators. The simulators allow students to adjust the angle of the head based on the location of the angioma (brain tumor), perform a craniotomy, move the soft tissue of the brain aside using forceps, locate the angioma (brain tumor),clip the angioma (remove the brain tumor) using medical instruments,complete the entire training while artificial blood is flowing through the simulator.
    • 個人化精準腫瘤治療顧問-腦轉移腫瘤

      FutureTech 個人化精準腫瘤治療顧問-腦轉移腫瘤

      PCA-BM includes two models: “Automatic BMs Segmentation AI Model”" Distant Brain Failure Prediction Model". The former one uses C2FNAS (coarse to fine network architecture search) to detect the location, size,number of brain metastases. The latter uses radiomics to extract numerous radiographic featuresemploys machine learning methods such as XGBoost to establish a prognostic model of brain metastases. PCA-BM provides more precision treatment decisions for patientsimproves personalizedaccurate overall stereotactic radiosurgery planning.
    • BPR1R系列:新穎集落刺激因子1受體抑制劑作為癌症免疫調節劑

      FutureTech BPR1R系列:新穎集落刺激因子1受體抑制劑作為癌症免疫調節劑

      We have identified a series of BPR1R compounds as highly selective CSF1R inhibitors with excellent oral bioavailability. In vivo, oral administration of BPR1R compounds delayed murine colon tumor growthreversed the immunosuppressive TME with increased M1/M2 ratio. The US & PCT patent application including more than 160 novel compounds was filed in April 20, 2020. Several potential compounds are undergoing candidate assessment for further preclinical studies.