
Technical category
    • Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer (BBOBS)

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer (BBOBS)

      The Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer(BBOBS) is a marine instrument that collects natural earthquakesartificial sound sources. BBOBS project has been leading by TORI, Academic Sinica,National Sun Yat-Sen University from designing, testing to success. BBOBS have been deployedrecovered in several research cruisesobtained the great results.
    • 突破物聯網的最後一哩:無晶片射頻辨識

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech 突破物聯網的最後一哩:無晶片射頻辨識

      The major cost of conventional RFID tags comes from a microchip. To reduce the start-up cost, we develop a chipless RFID system that eliminates the use of the chip. This research organize the real-world issues of chipless RFID into four subjects, including the design of chipless tags, chipless RFID readers, reader signal processing,wireless propagation channel. We successfully integrate the four topics, developing a calibration-free, orientation-insensitive,high-capacity chipless RFID system with multi-tag detection capability.
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