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    • 草蝦種原培育暨草蝦商業化種原擴增場域整合營運

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 草蝦種原培育暨草蝦商業化種原擴增場域整合營運

      The Center has established a high biological conservation center for the breeding of P. monodon shrimp seeds that meet international standards,has integrated more than 40 professional technologies to select P. monodon shrimp strains that are specific pathogens free (SPF)have special traits for stocking in the three-hectare commercial P. monodon shrimp seed expansion test site in Hualien. This will provide a stable supply of good P. monodon shrimp seeds for use by the Taiwan aquaculture industry.
    • 花卉分子育種新創產業 - 台大蜜雪切花文心蘭

      FutureTech 花卉分子育種新創產業 - 台大蜜雪切花文心蘭

      Single colored varietysingle exported market is the hidden risk for the Oncidium industry in Taiwan. To develop new varietiesenlarge market value is the goal,to establish a global trade mark is a national aim. The work to develop a Honey Snow white flower oncidum is pursuant to the policy. In the past year, our research team paid effort to breed a white floral color variety successfully by using RNA interference strategy.
    • 基因體編輯技術在觀賞魚精準育種之應用

      FutureTech 基因體編輯技術在觀賞魚精準育種之應用

      CRISPR/Cas9 is the powerfulpopular genome editing technology which can recognize target gene by a single guide RNA with the advantages of precision, high efficiency, easy manipulation,low cost to be applied to promote the precision breeding of aquatic organisms. The potentials of genome editing in the precision breeding of ornamental fish are mainly focused on infertility control, alternation of colorshape, growth promotion, sex control, stress tolerance, virus resistance, etc.
    • 智慧魚苗生產系統

      FutureTech 智慧魚苗生產系統

      The invention focuses on the early fry culture, including algae, live-food organism, water quality control, fine image detection,automated intelligent culture technology. By connecting environmental parameter sensing equipment, fine image observation equipment, automatic feedback/delivering equipment,central intelligent learning/processing platform, an intelligent production system of aquatic fry can be completed,the big data on production parameters can be collected, optimizing breeding strategiesefficiency,increasing the breeding profitability more than 10 times.
    • 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      FutureTech 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      We are proposing a pipeline including de novo genome assemblywhole genome SNP array design to improve the practice in precision medicineprecision agriculture. We design GABOLA, a de novo genome assembly system, combining advantages in leading sequencing platform, to construct completeaccurate individual genomes. GABOLA can resolve large structural variants, fills the gap in human reference genome,avoid the bias from reference genome. We combine the knowledge of population geneticsfunctional information to design whole genome SNP array to aid future genomic study.
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