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    • 近紅外光驅動光熱聚吡咯在轉譯生物醫學與產業化應用

      FutureTech 近紅外光驅動光熱聚吡咯在轉譯生物醫學與產業化應用

      We developed Polypyrrole (PPy) based NIR-photothermal related platform technologies. This photothermal driving hyperthermia carrier systems are biocompatible are able to possess versatile functions in anticancer, antibacterial, thrombolysis, wound-healingsuppression of inflammation related bioengineering potential applications. These innovative works shed light on the efficacy of combining photothermal-performance with translational manner in biomedical, clinicalindustrial designs.
    • 新穎高效能複方青光眼藥水

      FutureTech 新穎高效能複方青光眼藥水

      Current mainstream pharmacotherapy of glaucoma is the delivery of intraocular pressure-lowering medication via topical instillation. But, this dosage form has practical limitations due to well-known ocular barriers to drug transport. For the first time, highly efficient compound eye drop formulation is designed based on the idea of innovative glutathione-functionalized gelling materials. Our biomaterials-based ophthalmic drops can better improve drug bioavailabilityantiglaucoma efficacy than currently marketed eye drops, thereby showing future clinical translational potential.
    • 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      FutureTech 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      Gene delivery technology is widely used in cell therapy, nucleic acid-based vaccines, protein production, gene therapy, etc. We have developed a non-viral gene delivery technology-MPGene, which has excellent gene delivery efficiency (50-80) for human mesenchymal stem cells,also has the characteristics of low production costhigh safety. In the future, MPGene has the potential to be used in important biomedical fields such as gene delivery reagents, major trauma cell therapy, malignant tumor treatmentcartilage cell therapy.
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