
Technical category
    • 5G Low Latency Massive Access Technology

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 5G Low Latency Massive Access Technology

      The CPS-OFDM technology by NTU enjoys the best spectral efficiencydesign flexibility among the 5G candidate new waveform designs. CPS-OFDM is integratedjointly optimized with the high performance SCMA by Univ of Surrey to achieve high communication efficiency, high reliability, low latency, for boosting the productivity of the factories of the future (FoF).
    • 基於5G C-V2I之智慧即時車輛行動軌跡預測與預警系統

      FutureTech 基於5G C-V2I之智慧即時車輛行動軌跡預測與預警系統

      This study proposes a 5G C-V2I (Cellular Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) enabled intelligent trajectory prediction and warning system, which can be implemented in a framework including RSUs (Road Side Units) with radar detection ability and 5G edge computing servers. This study exploits artificial intelligence to predict instant trajectories of vehicles at crossroads. The resulting augmented-awareness navigation information is then broadcasted to road users through 5G C-V2I with low latency. In practical applications, road users can obtain real-time dynamics of surrounding vehicles so that their level of safety can be effectively enhanced.
    • 高解析度光學微影銀漿

      FutureTech 高解析度光學微影銀漿

      Current 5G communication devices have a huge demand in high resolutiondensity of metal conducting wires in electronics ( 40 μm line width/line spacing), which cannot be achieved by conventional screen printing (100 μm). Our group cooperated with Ample Technology to develop a new-generation silver conductive paste which enables photolithographyachieves outstanding line resolution (5 μm width/13 μm spacing). The paste is simple to useperforms comparable of those of major European, AmericanJapanese manufacturers.
    • 內埋技術於5G高頻散熱元件的開發與應用

      FutureTech 內埋技術於5G高頻散熱元件的開發與應用

      "The heat dissipation of electronic components becomes one of the most critical technologies for the developments of IoT, IoV,5G mobile communications. Implantation of heat dissipation components inside electronic products is of practice important to the 5G communication products today. Herein, we established: 1. High-speedpulse-reverse electroplating methods for the fabrication of heat dissipation components. 2. Microstructure modification of Cu interconnects for fine line technology5G high-frequency/-speed transmission interconnect design."
    • A Transparent Deployment Solution for 4G/5G Edge Computing Platform

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech A Transparent Deployment Solution for 4G/5G Edge Computing Platform

      We design/implement a transparent deployment solution for 4G/5G MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) platforms. The solution is standard-compliantdoes not require any changes on 4G/5G base stationcore network. Its MEC deployment is just plug-and-play. It contains five major components to gracefully interact with cellular protocols : ARP proxy, MEC packet gateway, GTP states tracking module,
    • AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      FutureTech AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      The AR-assisted endoscopic navigation system for brain surgery combines CT/MRI images, 3D cerebrovascular/nerve models,endoscopic images for surgical planningnavigation. AR glasses can display the 3D navigation inside the patient's skull, providing surgeons with intuitive 3D surgical navigation. In addition, the cerebrovascular/nerve model is also superimposed on the endoscopic image, allowing the surgeon to predict the upcoming surgical situation. The AR display endoscopic images can be simultaneously transmitted to the remote site for assistance through 5G communication.
    • 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      FutureTech 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      Based on deep learning camera/radar object detectiontracking technology, the proposed road side unit (RSU) system has achieved over 95 vehicle detection accuracy within 100m detection range in the processing performance of 10fps under nVidia Jetson Xavier platform. Compared to the 32-beam lidar based RSU, the proposed RSU achieves 97 reduction of sensor cost that exhibits high competitiveness in deployment cost. The proposed RSU system has been verified in fieldswe are now cooperating with an industry partner to deploy the RSU system in both TainanTao-Yuan cities.
    • 4G/5G多媒體系統之資安弱點檢測與威脅防護

      FutureTech 4G/5G多媒體系統之資安弱點檢測與威脅防護

      We develop a vulnerability detection module to identify three important security vulnerabilities in the IMS system that supports 4G/5G multimedia services. We have validated them in 4 carriers from TaiwanU.S. using smartphones from 7 brands,shown that they can be exploited to launch a stealthy call DoS attack, a social engineering attack with ghost calls,a call ID spoofing attack. Moreover, attackers can detect attackable users using an AI technique with only the users' phone numbers. We finally propose solutionsdevelop an AI-based technique of call ID spoofing detection.
    • Electromagnetic Engineering Surface

      Electronic & Optoelectronics Innotech Expo Electromagnetic Engineering Surface

      To solve the low transmission ratedisruption caused by the non-line of sightmulti-path transmission in indooroutdoor environment, a special electromagnetic surface is designed to guide the beam to the desired area with multiple reflections.
    • free5GC: 5th generation mobile core network

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech free5GC: 5th generation mobile core network

      Although there are few open-source core network projects, none of them are conformed to 3GPP Release 15 (R15). The free5GC is the first one in the world based on 3GPP R15. The ultimate goal of free5GC is to implement a full commercial, operational core network including Operation, AdministrationManagement (OAM), orchestrator,network slicing complied with 3GPP R15beyond.
    • Applying Machine Learning to User Mobility Type Identification for 5th Generation Mobile Networks

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Applying Machine Learning to User Mobility Type Identification for 5th Generation Mobile Networks

      Due to the fast development of 5G networks, it is critical to identify users service types to allocate resources intelligently. Our technology focuses on users mobility type identification by extracting practical features from users cellular information. We proposed a system architecturehave collected 700-hour data with 150 GB. By using our dataother datasets in the world, we show that our technology can achieve 95 accuracy,reduce 16 energy consumption compared to traditional methods.
    • 改變無線通訊環境之電磁面鏡技術

      FutureTech 改變無線通訊環境之電磁面鏡技術

      A special electromagnetic surface is designed to guide the beam to the desired area with multiple reflections to solve the low transmission ratedisruption caused by the non-line of sightmulti-path transmission in indooroutdoor environments. Reduce the cost of the overall communication network,make the deployment of mobile communication base stations more economical.
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