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    • AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      FutureTech AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      The AR-assisted endoscopic navigation system for brain surgery combines CT/MRI images, 3D cerebrovascular/nerve models,endoscopic images for surgical planningnavigation. AR glasses can display the 3D navigation inside the patient's skull, providing surgeons with intuitive 3D surgical navigation. In addition, the cerebrovascular/nerve model is also superimposed on the endoscopic image, allowing the surgeon to predict the upcoming surgical situation. The AR display endoscopic images can be simultaneously transmitted to the remote site for assistance through 5G communication.
    • 自主巡航水下無人載具

      FutureTech 自主巡航水下無人載具

      The developed Unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) included 3-D modeling technology, wireless power transfer between sub-system in AUV, GPS underwater locate system, low complexity frequency domain on ocean floor analyze with AI network, underwater objects detection network, image dehaze network on groundunder water, underwater color correction network, underwater objects classification network, underwater optical characteristic algorithmLED color compensation system.
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