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      Electronic & Optoelectronics Innotech Expo QUANTUM DOTS DISPLAY DEVICE

      The present invention aims to develop of novel wavelength converting films with the composited perovskite quantum dots,facilitating the application of this technology for LED backlight module.We applying PQD on chip to the components of LED backlight modules. The PQD-LEDs that are used for the backlight transmitted through a color filter exhibit the ITU-R Recommendation BT.2020 approximately 90
    • 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Devices with physical flexibilitystretchability have attracted a great deal of interest for use in wearable electronic technologylarge-area electronics, including displays, energy harvesters, energy storage devices, distributed sensor networks,Internet of Things applications. The present invention relates to methods for growingtransferring single-crystal III-nitride nanorodstwo dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDs) nanostructures,devices having the transferred nanostructures for flexible device, microLED,3DIC fabrications.
    • 數位光學教學實驗室推廣計畫

      FutureTech 數位光學教學實驗室推廣計畫

      This project with aim of promoting digital optics education is funded by Ministry of Education. In the entry-level class, students are guided in the hand-on experiments to bring up the ability to set up optical pathsto learn the basic optics principles. In the advance-level class, students are encouraged to work on a 3D holographic project using the fast-response LCOS-SLM developed in Digital Optics Teaching Laboratory of NYCU. Students are able to apply different computer-generated holography (CGH) algorithmsdesign optical path accordingly to obtain desired holographic images.
    • 高解析度紫外光微型發光二極體顯示器

      FutureTech 高解析度紫外光微型發光二極體顯示器

      This demonstration presents an active-matrix, 1920x1080, 370 nm UV MicroLED display. There are 2,073,600 pixels fabricated on this display which is smaller than a dollar coin,its diagonal has an extremely high pixel density of 3200 pixels per inch (ppi). The size of each pixel is 5 μm in diameter,the pixel pitch is 8 μm. The key technology of this achievement lies in the fabrication of pixels with good characteristicshigh uniformity,the successful development of flip-chip technology combining MicroLEDdriving integrated circuit pixels. This result can display imagesvideos.
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