
Technical category
    • Vehicle LiDAR using CMOS Single-photon Detectors

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Vehicle LiDAR using CMOS Single-photon Detectors

      This project is used for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)automatic driving. At present, our project will use a more sensitive CMOS single photon detector array to reduce the number of photons required for detection to less than ten, in order to break through the cost barriers of applications of LiDARestablish low-cost, high-performance LiDAR modules.
    • Digital self-injection-locked ultrasonic Doppler radar for accurate non-contact vital sign monitoring

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Digital self-injection-locked ultrasonic Doppler radar for accurate non-contact vital sign monitoring

      A highly sensitivelinear ultrasonic radar was realized using digital self-injection-locking (SIL) technique. It can remotely monitor the vital signs of a human in motion, which will be demonstrated in this expo by upgrading a low-cost ultrasonic radar for reverse parking to support high-value telemedical applications. In the future it will further combine phased-array technology to implement non-contact 4D ultrasound system, which will bring disruptive innovation to medical technologies.
    • 用於光達系統擁有高單光子偵測效率和高飽和電流特性的雙層累增層設計累增崩潰光二極體

      FutureTech 用於光達系統擁有高單光子偵測效率和高飽和電流特性的雙層累增層設計累增崩潰光二極體

      In this work, we demonstrate a dual multiplication layers In0.52Al0.48As based avalanche photodiode, which is desired for ToF lidarFMCW lidar application due to its high performances in both Geiger modelinear mode operations. By combining the specially designed mesa shape with dual M-layer structure, we can achieve high single photon detection efficiencyneat temporal characteristic of 65ps . On the other hand, we can also achieve high gain-bandwidth product ,high saturation currenthigh photo-generated RF power under 0.9 Vbr at the same time.
    • Rain Alert APP

      FutureTech Rain Alert APP

      The purpose of this software is to implement real-time radar monitoring technique in meteorological service through industry-academia cooperation. The design transforms professional weather webpage into APP software, which is available for mobile devices, it also provides notification service by using GPS positioning system. This is an experimental product which integrates radar observational data in Taiwan with the latest observation data from FORMOSAT-7. By using data assimilation method and radar reflectivity extrapolation method, it develops real-time early warning technique and provides probability of precipitation information in future 1 hour.
    • 基於5G C-V2I之智慧即時車輛行動軌跡預測與預警系統

      FutureTech 基於5G C-V2I之智慧即時車輛行動軌跡預測與預警系統

      This study proposes a 5G C-V2I (Cellular Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) enabled intelligent trajectory prediction and warning system, which can be implemented in a framework including RSUs (Road Side Units) with radar detection ability and 5G edge computing servers. This study exploits artificial intelligence to predict instant trajectories of vehicles at crossroads. The resulting augmented-awareness navigation information is then broadcasted to road users through 5G C-V2I with low latency. In practical applications, road users can obtain real-time dynamics of surrounding vehicles so that their level of safety can be effectively enhanced.
    • 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      FutureTech 深度學習視訊/毫米波雷達感測器融合 RSU 系統

      Based on deep learning camera/radar object detectiontracking technology, the proposed road side unit (RSU) system has achieved over 95 vehicle detection accuracy within 100m detection range in the processing performance of 10fps under nVidia Jetson Xavier platform. Compared to the 32-beam lidar based RSU, the proposed RSU achieves 97 reduction of sensor cost that exhibits high competitiveness in deployment cost. The proposed RSU system has been verified in fieldswe are now cooperating with an industry partner to deploy the RSU system in both TainanTao-Yuan cities.
    • 室內雷達感測系統

      FutureTech 室內雷達感測系統

      The proposed indoor radar sensing system includes two enabling technology, activity recognitionrespiration rate estimation. In the former, the proposed framework consists of four major components: denosing, enhanced voxelization, data augmentation,dual-view machine-learning to lead to accurateefficient human-activity recognition. In the latter, the proposed system leverages the variation of the phase information of a specific frequency bin of the range profiles,proposes a dynamic adaptive respiration waveform filtering algorithm to improve accuracy.
    • 多都卜勒雷達三維風場合成技術(WISSDOM)於劇烈天氣監測與研究之應用

      FutureTech 多都卜勒雷達三維風場合成技術(WISSDOM)於劇烈天氣監測與研究之應用

      "WISSDOM uses radial winds observed by multiple Doppler weather radars to synthesize the 3D wind fields in the atmosphere. Using variational approach to make the retrieved winds satisfy the following mathematicalphysical laws : (1)The geometric relationship between the retrieved windsthe radial winds observed by each individual radar (2)anelastic continuity equation (3)vertical vorticity equation (4) background wind field (5) Laplacian smoothing term. Special treatment is made allowing direct wind retrieval over complex terrain, which is necessary for weather analysis in Taiwan."
    • 階層式零接觸生理監測呼吸照護平台

      FutureTech 階層式零接觸生理監測呼吸照護平台

      Combined with millimeter wave radar detection of chest undulation breathing modeheart rate, continuous blood oxygen detection, active disease record of chat robot,mobile phone analysis of 30 second sittingstanding alternate activity frequency mode, a set of personalized respiratory capacity benchmark is established through AI modeling, which can be applied to zero-contact respiratory physiological monitoringuseful for infectious disease ward, epidemic prevention hotels, centralized quarantine centers.
    • 利用環境Wi-Fi訊號進行感測之防疫用途非接觸健康監測系統

      FutureTech 利用環境Wi-Fi訊號進行感測之防疫用途非接觸健康監測系統

      An IOT sensor was presented to detect human motionvital signs with Wi-Fi signals. It mainly combines MIMO beamforming, injection-locking radarmachine learning techniques to recognizetrack physicalphysiological activities for health status monitoring. As a proof of concept for pandemic prevention, the presented sensor aims to inspect whether someone is exhibiting signssymptoms of COVID-19 infection within the Wi-Fi coverage area, such as fatigue, cough, shortness of breathirregular heart rhythm,even to detect sudden death.
    • 嵌入式光學雷達與AI辨識之智慧車燈於自動駕駛

      FutureTech 嵌入式光學雷達與AI辨識之智慧車燈於自動駕駛

      In this study, the embedded LiDARAI recognition of smart headlight for autonomous driving is demonstrated. At driving process, the vehicle can provide artificial intelligence to identify the type, distancespeed of the object to be measured based on the fusion data of the LiDAR point cloudoptical image of the environment,then feedback to the headlight control system. Finally, this smart headlight would perform the suitable lighting mode during the daynightfit the automotive lamp safety regulationsstandards (ECE R112SAE J3069).
    • 智慧材料輔助應用之饋入毫米波陣列天線封裝技術

      FutureTech 智慧材料輔助應用之饋入毫米波陣列天線封裝技術

      mmW 5G/B5G/6GLEO satellites use large active antenna arrays of more than 1000 elements. A number reduction aided by low cost intelligent panels is developed to reduce at least 60 cost. AiPAiM are used to compact the array with reconfigurability at low power losses. The gains are compensated by phase-reconfigurable AiP/AiM to feed smart multi-beam panels of large apertures. It may steer directional beams by operating the active RF modules tightly fed by AiP/AiM based arrays. Tile architecture can be implemented using multiple AiPs/AiMs for flexible array configurations.
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