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    • 未來餐廳 - 智能技術體驗場域

      FutureTech 未來餐廳 - 智能技術體驗場域

      In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many restaurants have been closed for maintaining anti-epidemic measures. NCHC combined multiple AI technologiesdeveloped an automated service experience to provide a way for people to still enjoy the services received at restaurants while maintaining social distancing. To achieve this, we've incorporated technologies including the following: NLP in AI, Cloud-Based Smart Point Cloud Processing (CSPCP), method for face searching in images, intelligent video analysisretrieval,artificial intelligence of things (AIoT).
    • 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      3D digital pathology imagingAI auxiliary diagnosis platform integrates 3D pathology sample preparation, high speed image scanning,intelligent software analysis into a novel system. We have collaborated with clinical pathologists to develop both 3D biopsy pathology imaging workflowthe world first 3D pathology image analysis software MetaLite, along with AI models pathology feature annotationquantitative analysis of solid tumor with high accuracy can be rapidly processed. We have transferred patented technology to start up JelloX Biotech Inc. at NTHU for further operation.
    • The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      This project aims to incorporate the state-of-the-art InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data techniques in linking every aspect of community-based integrated long-term care (LTC), improving the efficiency of care servicesadministrative process,to realize the idea of Aging in Place emphasized in the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
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