
Technical category
    • 具吸收與釋放活性成分的新型載藥隱形眼鏡:從藥物到保健品

      FutureTech 具吸收與釋放活性成分的新型載藥隱形眼鏡:從藥物到保健品

      The novel drug-eluting contact lens is a great substitute for traditional eye drops, which are plagued by problems, such as low drug administration efficiency, discomfort,repeated dosing. Drugs can stay on the eyeball for a sufficient period of time. Patients can have access to treatment in an appropriate state at any time. With these advantages, the novel drug-eluting contact lens is expected to become a new method for the treatment of ophthalmic diseasesfor the recovery of patients after ophthalmic surgery. It has broad application prospects in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
    • 鋁金屬合金色彩圖案技術與應用

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 鋁金屬合金色彩圖案技術與應用

      This technology proposes the preparation of Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) templates on the surface of aluminum. The structural color of AAO is combined with lithography process to form patterns on the substrate, which can achieve high resolution on various aluminum substrate for decoration. Also, rewritable boardinvisible anti-counterfeiting technology are proposed for innovative applications by the low-cost, high-efficiency,high-saturation AAO structural colorpatterning.
    • Highly Efficient Quantum Key Distribution

      FutureTech Highly Efficient Quantum Key Distribution

      Quantum key distribution exploits the transmissiondetection of single photons’ quantum states to generatedistribute secure keys, allowing absolutely secure communication. We use a self-developed miniature single-photon source, together with the single-photon wavepacket engineering, to implement a highly efficient protocol of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution. Using the Ca
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