
Technical category
    • A therapeutic gel for diabetic wounds

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech A therapeutic gel for diabetic wounds

      Our results have demonstrated that our tissue gel can effectively promote angiogenesiswound healing in diabetic wounds. Our product prototype will be a powerful therapeutic product to treat diabetic foot ulcersgo further to rescue diabetic patients from amputation.
    • 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      3D digital pathology imagingAI auxiliary diagnosis platform integrates 3D pathology sample preparation, high speed image scanning,intelligent software analysis into a novel system. We have collaborated with clinical pathologists to develop both 3D biopsy pathology imaging workflowthe world first 3D pathology image analysis software MetaLite, along with AI models pathology feature annotationquantitative analysis of solid tumor with high accuracy can be rapidly processed. We have transferred patented technology to start up JelloX Biotech Inc. at NTHU for further operation.
    • Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      EPICAn is a novel technique that uses liquid biopsy for epigenetic analysis. Using methylation-specific PCR method to analyze specific gene methylation of cell-free DNA in plasma for early detection of breast cancer. The advantages of this technology are 1. High accuracy 2. Low false positive rate 3. Low-invasive 4. less limitation 5. Available for routine continuous detection 6. Monitoring cancer changes 7. Aided diagnosis 8. Automated process 9. Easy-to-operate 10. Rapid analysis. It is expected that EPICAn technique can increase the accuracy of early detection of breast canceraid clinicians diagnosis.
    • 互動式呼吸引導及預警系統

      FutureTech 互動式呼吸引導及預警系統

      The technology provides a new experience for remote respiratory rehabilitation care,let patients realize self-health management at home. The system has three characteristics: First, daily home pulmonary function tests to achieve early warning of disease. Second, the design of automatic feedback aperture valve provides the best positive expiratory pressure (PEP)for pulmonary rehabilitation,APP helps user to do breathing exercise. Third, electronic monitoring of inhaled medications with a two-way flow sensor module,APP helps user to guide the inhalation process.
    • Double Lumen Arthroscopic Cannula

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo Double Lumen Arthroscopic Cannula

      During arthroscopic surgery, the anchor suture is easy to tangleunable to fix the soft tissue using conventional one lumen cannula. Thus we design a novel “Double lumen cannula” containing a flexible septum inside the cannula which can separatechange the cannula volume dynamically into two lumen. This would decrease the surgical timesoft tissue injury,improve the security of su
    • A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Here, we introduce an electricity-free centrifuge platform based on a manual centrifuge. The provided centrifugal force is sufficient to produce a plasma purity of 99 separated in as little as 2−3 min. We then performed an immunoassay on a paper devicethe results were observed by a portable reader. As a result, the detection limit of the C-Reactive Protein is 1 ng/mL, with a total turnaround time of 7 min.
    • 預防早產之非侵入性安胎子宮頸套環組

      FutureTech 預防早產之非侵入性安胎子宮頸套環組

      Despite the progress of medical technology, recurrent pregnancy losspremature birth are still a vast problem. One of the main reasons for these complications is cervical insufficiency. Although cervical cerclage is considered to be the standard method for preventing premature birth, it is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesiasurgical techniques, so it cannot be popularized among the pregnant population. The novel “non-invasive cervical ring” medical device has been developed to meet clinic needs for prevention of preterm labor due to cervical insufficiency.
    • Rapid diagnostic device for monitoring the abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue

      Medical Devices FutureTech Rapid diagnostic device for monitoring the abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue

      This rapid diagnostic device for monitoring the abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue is expected to allow women to detect whether VEGFIL-6 are too high at home in a simplerapid manner. These two factors are also increasing in some gynecological cancers. Through the new device, it is convenient for women to self-monitoring women physiologically-relevant diseasespossible causes of abnormal bleeding in the future,seek appropriate medical treatment early.
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