
Technical category
    • 新型具彈性與拉力之超聲波傳導套件

      FutureTech 新型具彈性與拉力之超聲波傳導套件

      "The designed ultrasound gel is modified with nanocrystalnanofiber. The product is designed to be sterilizablefits well to the ultrasound probe. With such nanomaterials, our product shows great ultrasound transmission abilityenhanced mechanical strength. The highlights of the this ultrasound agent include: (1) Enhanced compressibilitytensile strength with adjustable composition. (2) Improved infection controlreduced risk of complication. (3) Improved transmission depth with certain thicknessimproved image quality within superficial region."
    • 針內超音波-麻醉探針

      FutureTech 針內超音波-麻醉探針

      "Intra-needle ultrasound - anesthesia probe provides an innovative way to puncture preciselysafely in thoracic regional anesthesia, especially for high BMI patients. In clinical practice, the anesthetic techniques are performed under ultrasound-guidance. The unmet medical need is to resolve the difficulty in needle tip imaging for high BMI patients. This technique provides an innovative way for pleura identification, tracking, distance measuring,early warning in real-time. It greatly reduces the risk of pleural puncturepneumothorax,improves the safety."
    • Ultrasonic toolholder module

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Ultrasonic toolholder module

      The ULTRASONIC technologythe Non-contact power transmission technology offers high qualityefficient machining for ceramicother brittle materials. Depending on the workpiece requirements, our product allows higher feedinfeed, which increases machining efficiency for at least 30, longer tool lifesignificantly better surface finishes.
    • Digital self-injection-locked ultrasonic Doppler radar for accurate non-contact vital sign monitoring

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Digital self-injection-locked ultrasonic Doppler radar for accurate non-contact vital sign monitoring

      A highly sensitivelinear ultrasonic radar was realized using digital self-injection-locking (SIL) technique. It can remotely monitor the vital signs of a human in motion, which will be demonstrated in this expo by upgrading a low-cost ultrasonic radar for reverse parking to support high-value telemedical applications. In the future it will further combine phased-array technology to implement non-contact 4D ultrasound system, which will bring disruptive innovation to medical technologies.
    • 應用於血栓溶解治療之創新超音波漩渦技術

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 應用於血栓溶解治療之創新超音波漩渦技術

      We have developed an innovative acoustic vortex technology VorteSonic for treatment of VTE, with the first go-to-market product of a catheter-based acoustic vortex thrombolytic device. Acoustic vortex produces turbulent flow around the thrombus, resulting in effective thrombolysis by creating loose structure of thrombustherefore enhancing deep penetration of thrombolytic drugs into the thrombus. Advantages of the acoustic vortex technology is reduction of hemorrhagic riskimprovement of safetyprognosis. Feedback system can be integrated for intelligent therapy in the future.
    • Wearable ultrasound device for diagnosis of sleep apnea

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Wearable ultrasound device for diagnosis of sleep apnea

      We developed a wearable ultrasound monitoring device to monitor the collapse of tongue roots of sleep respiratory patients throughout the night,completed clinical trials in the sleep center. The experimental results show that this device can effectively monitor OSA. The tongue structure changes at the timeintegrates ultrasound information into the commercial PSG system. It is expected
    • 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      FutureTech 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      "1.Background: The deterioration of lithium batteries leads to safetycost issues. Ultrasonic detection has the advantages of cost, size,immediacy. 2.Detection: Under the control environment, the ultrasonic signal is actuated on each part of the battery,the reflectedtransmitted wave is collected. 3.Analysis: It has methods such as spectrum, image,DL to evaluate the SoH, the distribution of degradation types,the location of faulty cells in the battery module. 4.Theory: Use the acoustic properties of the battery with software simulation to verify the measured data."
    • 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      FutureTech 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      The RL model develops a control policy directly from experience to predict statesrewards during a learning procedure. Hence, we designed a medical image environment including US images, different actions,rewards, agent learns in this environment to extract the ALN regionevaluates the status. The performance of our proposed method achieves an accuracy of 83.6, a sensitivity of 88.6,a specificity of 89.0.
    • 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      FutureTech 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      This Artificial Intelligence model interprets 12-lead electrocardiograms of adults to diagnose heart failure accuratelyefficiently. It is a fabulous heart failure screening tool that can detect more asymptomatic patients. Our goal is to help patients get early treatmentprevent disease deterioration.
    • 超音波減脂機Turbo版

      FutureTech 超音波減脂機Turbo版

      Currently, unmet clinical needs of nonsurgical high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) fat reduction are a long time to see the fat reduction after HIFU lipolysis, long treatment time,low treatment efficacy. The porcine study has corroborated that the ultrasonic fast-shaping system can generate a strip-shape focal zone to form a line-shape hot spot, shortening treatment timeincreasing the amounts of lysed adipocytes,combine with the passive exercise to accelerate metabolism of the free lipids from necrotic adipocytes, improving the reduction in the waist circumferences.
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