
Technical category
    • 自我網路架構搜尋與注意力機制之肺部電腦斷層掃描結節輔助診斷系統

      FutureTech 自我網路架構搜尋與注意力機制之肺部電腦斷層掃描結節輔助診斷系統

      Similar to the critical point tracking technology of human vision, the split attentionspatial grouping enhancement module, combining the multi-path grouping architecturespatial attention technology, can accurately extract important information from the imageimprove the network performance. Moreover, adopting neural architecture search technology to automatically search for the most suitable network architecture based on current moduleshardware devices can balance diagnosis speedhigh accuracy.
    • Low-dose nanoscale biomimetic cell structure – Next-generation platform technology for advanced precision immunotherapy

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Low-dose nanoscale biomimetic cell structure – Next-generation platform technology for advanced precision immunotherapy

      We developed a biomimetic triple-antibody-immobilized magnetic fucoidan nanomedicine as a multifunctional artificial antigen presenting cell, which possessed the ability to not only inhibit immune checkpoint but activate tumor infiltrated T cells. of Bridging sites with tunable density on the nanoplatform was designed, allowing the antibodies to be well-distributed on the surface for mimicking immune cells. In contrast to the complex cell expansion process using microbeads in adaptive cell therapy, the nanoplatform can be i.v. administrated to cut the course of therapy from several weeks to days. With the development of the platform technology, an artificial immune system family can be built to pave the way for personalized immunotherapy.
    • CAN Bus On-Board Diagnosis (OBDII & J1939) Bridge

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo CAN Bus On-Board Diagnosis (OBDII & J1939) Bridge

      The product—CAN Bus OBDII/J1939 Bridge can ease the design for equipments related to monitor for fuel economics,emission. The following applications can be developed easily: l Vehicle diagnosis l Vehicle status monitor/Service l Fleet management l Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication l Vehicle performance log l Air pollution monitor
    • 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 攜帶式傳染病分子診斷系統

      "We present here a portable device with isothermally mediated loop amplification (LAMP) for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The main components included (1) roller conveyor, (2) hotplate,(3) temperaturemotion control panels. After mixing all the solutions by rollingsqueezing the sealed compartments, the LAMP strip was heated for 30 min for amplification. Finally, fluorescence results can be read with the naked eyeon a smartphone under the UV lamp. The 700g device is powered by a portable charger, making it easier to detect pathogens in resource-limited environments."
    • 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      FutureTech 深度強化學習框架使用超音波影像診斷腋窩淋巴結狀態

      The RL model develops a control policy directly from experience to predict statesrewards during a learning procedure. Hence, we designed a medical image environment including US images, different actions,rewards, agent learns in this environment to extract the ALN regionevaluates the status. The performance of our proposed method achieves an accuracy of 83.6, a sensitivity of 88.6,a specificity of 89.0.
    • Web-based Diagnostic System for Assessing Psychiatric Disorders

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Web-based Diagnostic System for Assessing Psychiatric Disorders

      The Al-based web diagnostic system provides an online assessment tool for diagnosing schizophrenia. The Explainable Deep Neural Network classifier is deployed to analyze gray matterwhite matter to derive diagnostic classification of schizophrenia. The structural brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia is visualized on the AI-based web diagnostic system at individual level.
    • 零接觸雲端智慧工具機維護專家系統

      FutureTech 零接觸雲端智慧工具機維護專家系統

      Our system provides system identification, servo tuning,feed axis diagnosis for machine tools. Also, executing remote function verification,data collection are included. All these functions were actually tested verified by the co-operation manufacturer. It help operatorsengineers to maintainadjust the machine so that the feed drive system match. During this critical time of the COVID-19 epidemic, the proposed system provides a zero-touch remote diagnostic functionmethod for engineers to maintain the machines in the processing plant can effectively reduce coststime.
    • 基於轉移學習之青光眼眼底照片診斷系統-適於各醫療院所之平台發展

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 基於轉移學習之青光眼眼底照片診斷系統-適於各醫療院所之平台發展

      A transfer learning-assisted glaucoma detection system was build first with training images from the fundus images database of Taipei Veterans General Hospital,then fine-tuned to improve its applicability on fundus images from different datasets. This system aims to assist clinic-based glaucoma screening to increase the diagnostic rate of glaucoma by using existing healthcare facility.
    • 子宮內膜癌安蓓甲基化基因檢測

      FutureTech 子宮內膜癌安蓓甲基化基因檢測

      The MPap DNA Methylation Test is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for endometrial cancer detection. For women atover 40 years of age with abnormal uterine bleeding, the methylation status of BHLHE22CDO1 genes from conventional Pap smear, can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis of endometrial cancer. The test result provides an important triage for further invasive endometrial biopsy, which will substantially reduce the need of invasive proceduresincrease the feasibility of endometrial cancer screening in high risk populations. This is a ground breaking test.
    • AI_Variant Prioritizer

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech AI_Variant Prioritizer

      The interpretation of next generation sequencing is a big challenge. In order to improve the molecular diagnosis of the patient, we developed the AI_Variant prioritizer, a machine learning based variant prioterization system that can help to prioritize candidate variants for human disease. This module highlighted the possible disease causing variants to help clinician to increase the disease diagnostic yield and decrease the load of manpower.
    • 全方位血液細胞影像與生化分析系統

      FutureTech 全方位血液細胞影像與生化分析系統

      Our system is achieved by integrating diffractiondeep learning methods, which allows high-throughput lensless imaging system to display wide rangehigh-resolution images. In addition, the developed extraction chipsprototype were verified to accurately detect the numberproportion of blood cells under low blood demand. Our system shows great potential in point-of-care blood cells monitoring for cancer patients that could reduce infection riskmortality rate, increase efficacy of chemotherapysupport precision medicine.
    • 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Cancer is the first leading cause of death in Taiwan. Targeted therapy allows the cancer cells to be specifically targeted, reduces the side effects,achieves the purpose of precision cancer treatment. This report contains two invention technologies which combined early & specific diagnosis of a specific Aurora-A mRNA isoform in cancers (the companion diagnosis)the treated with a selective locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified novel double-stranded short interfering nucleic acid (siRNA) to inhibit the translation of this Aurora-A mRNA isoform (targeted therapy) in cancers.
    • Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Precision blood test for detection of breast cancer

      EPICAn is a novel technique that uses liquid biopsy for epigenetic analysis. Using methylation-specific PCR method to analyze specific gene methylation of cell-free DNA in plasma for early detection of breast cancer. The advantages of this technology are 1. High accuracy 2. Low false positive rate 3. Low-invasive 4. less limitation 5. Available for routine continuous detection 6. Monitoring cancer changes 7. Aided diagnosis 8. Automated process 9. Easy-to-operate 10. Rapid analysis. It is expected that EPICAn technique can increase the accuracy of early detection of breast canceraid clinicians diagnosis.
    • 測溫式側流免疫分析法和檢測儀

      FutureTech 測溫式側流免疫分析法和檢測儀

      We have developed a low-costportable reader for thermometric lateral flow immunoassay (TLFIA) using colloidal goldlatex beads as reportersa continuous-wave green laser as the heating source. Instead of using infrared cameras, a single-element infrared sensor is employed for temperature sensing without compromising the sensitivity of the reader. The thermometric assay provides a 10× higher sensitivity than color visualizationthe results are sufficiently quantitative to support decision making in point-of-care testing for infectious diseases (such as COVID-19).
    • 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      FutureTech 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      Migraine patients account for about 640 million people (15) in the world,about 1.75 million (9.1) in Taiwan. Our team had developed a wearable brain-computer interface system with the newly developed graphene dry electrodeadaptive noise subspace reconstruction technology. This system combined the physiological indicators before migraine attacksuses AI technology to build an intelligent migraine early warning system,combined BrainSTIM electrical stimulation technology to assist migraine patients.
    • P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      FutureTech P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a useful analytical technique for detecting extremely small amounts of molecules. Herein, we designed a paper-based quasi-three-dimensional SERS substrate (P-SERS) that can provide potential to improve Raman analyses for food safety, pesticide poisoning, precision medicine, drug abuse and DNA/RNA testing. The sensitive, low-cost, flexible and disposable SERS substrate could be easily fabricated by physical deposition of gold nanoparticles array onto a filter paper. In this case, we are able to create non-continuous Au islands on the fiber surfaces, where the gaps between AuNPs can dramatically generate the high electric field to enhance Raman signal of target molecules.
    • 筆型探針分析儀用於快速分析及地圖掃描表面發散之揮發性有機化合物

      FutureTech 筆型探針分析儀用於快速分析及地圖掃描表面發散之揮發性有機化合物

      We present pen-probe analyzers based on ion-mobility spectrometrymass spectrometry for in-situ detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)mapping of VOCs emanating from surfaces. User approaches probe to the analyzed object,presses a button on the probe. The collected data are uploaded to the Internet cloud for retrievalprocessing. Every data file contains the exact timegeographical co-ordinates of sample collection site. In another embodiment, the pen-shaped probe has been robotized to enable open-space samplingmapping of VOCs emanating from solid specimens.
    • 泌尿道上皮癌微型 RNA 篩檢套組

      FutureTech 泌尿道上皮癌微型 RNA 篩檢套組

      The screening kits were developed using miRNAs for high-risk populations for urothelial carcinoma (UC). Products 702703 are designed for chronic kidney diseasehemodialysis patients using urineblood samples, respectively. With high accuracyminimal invasiveness, the kits are intended to be used as a screeningregular monitoring of UC. If a test reveals a positive result, the patient then undergoes cystoscopic examination for further confirmation. Otherwise, the patent only needs to be monitored annually.
    • A legendary luminous nano-pearl

      Medical Devices FutureTech A legendary luminous nano-pearl

      The chromium-doped zinc gallate, ZnGa2O4:Cr3+, material is viewed as a long-lasting luminescent phosphor which can avoid tissue autofluorescence interference for in vivo imaging detection. The cubic ZGC revealed a specific accumulation in liver0.5 Gy used at the end of X-ray excitation was sufficient for imaging of deep seated hepatic tumors.
    • AI Liver Tumor Detector

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech AI Liver Tumor Detector

      Our technique is a liver tumor detection method using machine learning which is the most popular AI technique in these years. the high-magnification image provides more details, but the view is smaller in contrast, a low-magnification image has the larger view but less details. Thus, our method combines the two magnificationsyields more accurate tumor detection results.
    • 考慮積灰效應及少故障標籤資料之智慧型高精度太陽光電故障診斷

      FutureTech 考慮積灰效應及少故障標籤資料之智慧型高精度太陽光電故障診斷

      As for the proposed technology by combining the artificial bee colony algorithmthe semi-supervised extreme learning machine (ABC-SSELM), characteristic parameter normalization equations of I-V curves are tuned via low-cost data under normal operation of PV strings. The proposed ABC-SSELM method only needs 1-3 labeled data of the total dataset to save humantime cost. The accuracy of diagnosing various mixed faults can reach more than 99.84,the monitoring of dust accumulation can provide effective cleaning to increase the revenue of the solar PV power generation system.
    • 當代病毒防衛技術平台:SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM 快篩試劑

      FutureTech 當代病毒防衛技術平台:SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM 快篩試劑

      SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test has high detection sensitivity, which can provide rapid detection of early COVID-19 infection. This SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test can detect whether there are IgM antibodies produced in the early stage of infection (within 7 days of symptoms onset) with one drop of the specimen (serumfingertip blood) in 15 minutes by naked eyes compared with LFIA antibody rapid test. It is worth noting that the SeraParma™ COVID-19 IgM rapid test can accurately detect the patients with positive infection within 7 days of the onset of symptoms compared with LFIA.
    • 即時危險辨識系統

      FutureTech 即時危險辨識系統

      “MeDA OXR: Real-time Hazard Recognition System,” which can automatically screeninterpret the medical images in real-time, is designed for emergency rooms to assist physicians in diagnosis, reducing medical risks,improving overall efficiency. Combining portable X-RayAI algorithms, the system performs real-timeaccurate preliminary screeningdiagnoses of diseases, such as pneumothorax, pneumonia,tuberculosis. It can also locate the nasogastric tube, endotracheal tube,central venous catheter, while misplacement of that is sent to the physicians when detected.
    • 地震預警與結構安全監測

      FutureTech 地震預警與結構安全監測

      "On site EEWS system could detect very minor seismic P wavepredict upcoming earthquake intensitygive advanced warning to high precision manufacturerIOT devices to enable service like vocallighting warning system for early escape, gas auto shut down, elevator stop system. Structural safety monitor system could give you a flash assessment report for you to take earliersafer next step."
    • 使用G72蛋白質與SLC7A11 mRNA作為生物標記來診斷阿茲海默氏症的方法

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 使用G72蛋白質與SLC7A11 mRNA作為生物標記來診斷阿茲海默氏症的方法

      The present technology provides a method for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, including the following steps: detecting a blood sample taken from a human subject suspected of having Alzheimer's disease,the biomarker level is selected from G72 protein level, SLC7A11 mRNA expression level,a combination of the two,compared with a preset standard, wherein if the detected biomarker level in the blood sample is higher than the preset standard, the Individual humans are thought to have Alzheimer's disease.
    • 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      FutureTech 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      PANCREASaver contains a “PC automatic segmentation model” (image segmentation)a “PC analysis AI model” (image classification) that can read the DICOM format of postcontrast CT images directly for the automatic analysis process. After conducting prep-processing with image processing algorithms, C2FNAS is employed to illustrate the tumor position prior to the diagnosis conducted by CNN. The results can be provided to the physician for diagnostic reference so as to reduce early omissionsincrease the detection rate of pancreatic cancer.
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