
Technical category
  • 共有:9筆資料
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    • 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      FutureTech 次世代穿戴裝置電能:仿生環保可撓式全固態超級電容器

      Using the concept of bionicscircular economy to develop low-costhigh -performance flexible electrodesionic liquid polyelectrolytes for all solid-state flexible supercapacitors. This type of flexible electrode has excellent dimensional stabilityelectrochemical characteristics. The gel-state polyelectrolytes can be used with metal oxide electrodes to provide high scalability, low cost,high efficiency at high temperatures.
    • 智能型自極化石墨烯感測器之應用

      FutureTech 智能型自極化石墨烯感測器之應用

      The smart graphene (Gr) sensor developed by this team is self-assembly arranged through Gr. No traditional polarization process is further required due to use of high conductivity of Gr. Further, because of the conductivity of the Gr sensor itself, no additional electrodes are required for collecting the mechanical-electric signals.The process of manufacturing the piezoelectric film can be simplifiedthe cost of process reduced. Moreover, the Gr sensor can be directly coated on materials with different curved shapes and, the sensitivity of the direct-coated sensor can be greatly enhanced.
    • Air-stable luminescent organic-inorganic perovskite nanocrystal-polymer composites

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Air-stable luminescent organic-inorganic perovskite nanocrystal-polymer composites

      The technology realizes a perovskite nanocrystal-polymer composite material, which has extremely high stability at room temperaturehigh temperature. It can be used for 3D printing, shaped into fluorescent microfilaments,can also be used for white light-emitting diodes. The application of this air-stabile perovskite nanocrystal-polymer composite material in the 3D printing industry, texti
    • 具垂直起飛與降落功能的混合式火箭飛行導控系統

      FutureTech 具垂直起飛與降落功能的混合式火箭飛行導控系統

      Powered by hybrid rocket engines designed in-house, the rocket achieves vertical takeoff, hovering, vertical landing,precise attitudetrajectory control using throttle controls as well as thrust vectoring controls. In addition, this rocket includes the following notable technologies: 10ms near hard real-time GNC system, highly modular application-like flight software, 10Hz bandwidth flow control system, 5Hz bandwidth direct-drive motor thrust vectoring system, High Test Peroxide hybrid rocket engine with a vacuum specific impulse of 305 seconds.
    • Ultrasonic toolholder module

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Ultrasonic toolholder module

      The ULTRASONIC technologythe Non-contact power transmission technology offers high qualityefficient machining for ceramicother brittle materials. Depending on the workpiece requirements, our product allows higher feedinfeed, which increases machining efficiency for at least 30, longer tool lifesignificantly better surface finishes.
    • 高能量密度與高安全性全固態鋰電池

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 高能量密度與高安全性全固態鋰電池

      Using PVDF-HFP, lithium salt, LLZOplasticizer to prepare HSE membrane (ơi=4.6×10-4 S/cm, 25oC). The Free-standingcathode-supported membranes in the pouch-type NCM811HSELi ASSLBs were designed to enhance the mechanical strength (Li-Nafion-coated cellulose support, the total membrane thickness is 40-60 µm), improve Li-ion conductivity (Doped LLZO/Li salt), reduce interfacial impedance (PVDF-HFP/Li salt/plasticizer),inhibit Li dendritic deposition. The energy density of the ASSLBs has reached 300 Wh/kg, which exceeds the current best LIBs by 50.
    • 原子厚度的二維半導體元件

      FutureTech 原子厚度的二維半導體元件

      We proposedshowed the ferroelectric materials served as a prospective substrate to support TMD to achieve a pn homojunction, as the accumulationdepletion of an inevitably charged mobile carrier occurs in the TMD to screen the polarization field of the FE substrate. This work provides a non-volatile control of TMD dopinga promising way to produce a pn homojunction as a future building block of 2D device applications.
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